Chapter 4

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A/N Hi guys *hides behind large object* it has been a while since I've updated and I'm sorry but hopefully this chapter in the POV if Mr Isaac Blain will make up for it?

if you do like this chapter and want more in his POV then Comment/Vote/Follow and what ever else there is on Wattpad!

As always I am sorry for the inevitable bad spelling and grammar.


Isaac Blain (POV)

This meeting was driving me crazy. My eyes flickered from the two people in front of me bickering about what course of action to take next. Yet, as perhaps one of the most powerful Alphas in the world right now, I was at a loss for words. I knew stepping up to this role would be a challenge and though my father stood beside me I was sure he had no idea what to do either.

'What are we going to do about the rogues? They have crossed way too many boundaries and the humans will catch on soon enough'. My third in command interrupts. 'No one is safe. Why are they acting out now, we must be missing something. They don't just walk into a town like this and start killing random girls'.

'He has a point,' an elder of the pack stated more diplomaticly and calmly. 'But we have to focus at what evidence we have right now, there have been only two killings so far and as insensitive as it sounds...two is only a coinci-'

'I know, I know!' I jump in quickly and stand abruptly away from my mahogany desk 'A coincidence...if there is a third we may have to take further measures. But for now we need to take care of the injured from tonight's attack during patrol and rest up, for now Noah and Conner lead the second group for tonight's shift.'

My beta and third in command were some of the best fighters I knew and also the most trustworthy. 'Tighten formation and make sure we have no holes that those bastards can seep through and harm the pack or anyone else for that matter. Got it?'

My answer was followed with hushed 'yes sir's' and everyone dispersed from my office, while the tension remained thick hanging in the atmosphere. All I can think about right now was letting my wolf out and stretching my tense muscles, I bent my head side to side to hear clicks in my neck proving just how tense I was. My father said few words and left me to my own devices, he was just as tired as I was and I couldn't blame him. I cleared my desk off all the evidence of the two girls that had been killed and felt a pang of guilt when I thought of how their families would be feeling and how I couldn't stop the attacks.

I left some fighters in charge of the house while I stepped outside for my run. The pack house was fairly quiet when I left and at least my worry lightened at least for an hour. I still couldn't let my guard completely down because I found myself sniffing out the secluded area for any traces of a scent. I ran just outside the borders line to see if I could sense anything out of the ordinary and was relieved to find that not even a leaf was out of place. As I circled back towards the pack house my ear perked up

Something so intoxicating. Dizzy in my drunk like state my mouth watered as I looked around frantically for where the smell originated from. My nostrils were burning and head spinning - in the best possible way - when I couldn't find the smell. This must be a trick some sick son of a bitch must be pulling. I rounded some trees in my search, my eyes wide.

At last, there the scent was strongest. The small thing stood there in rays of light as the sun began to set. She looked like she'd been torn out of pages of books. I was drawn and began to gravitate towards her as I admired her long hair and flawless face. She turned at the shuffling of leaves when my big paws moved. I almost forgot I was in wolf form until I looked up to see shock on her face. I didn't want to frighten her, shit, what do I do now?

I started to back away in an attempt to show her I was no harm. I was proven wrong when her eyes turned from fearful to realisation as she approached me slowly. I then came to my own realisation that she was the girl I had seen that night when I fought the rogue and when I visited school grounds, the rogues scent must have masked hers and I probably didn't relaise what I was smelling at the school grounds, I must have been too preoccupied with the rouge situation. She had managed to close the distance between us in my daze and her gentle hands reached out to touched my fur and I let out and involuntary, internal rumble. Her soft face lit up with a slight smile as she looked deep into my eyes. Those green orbs hit me all at once and were completely unfathomable.

The surge of fire coming from her delicate fingertips mixed with her stare and scent drove me wild as I playfully tackled her onto the moss covered ground. A small gasp escaped her lips followed by a giggle as I nuzzled my nose into her neck and hair. She squirmed as I tickled her velvety skin. I stopped when she was out of breath from laughing and backed off slightly when I realised she was completely under my body. She quickly stood up and looked behind her as if she had to return. She started walking away and gave me one last glance. She couldn't go alone, the forest was dangerous especially now with murderers on the loose. So I did the only thing a gentleman – or 'gentleman' yet completely macho wolf - would do, I escorted her and maybe slightly stalked but that was a matter of opinion.

Her frame was so small that standing on all fours still meant I towered over her by a couple inches. She walked contently by my side with her hand at the side of my body gliding her hand in my fur, I already couldn't get enough of her touch. Clearly she couldn't either, I thought smugly. We came, almost too soon, to the edge of the forest and to a narrow road. I couldn't risk someone seeing me and this is where I would have to leave her.

'I'll be fine from her buddy, I live just down the road' she touched my nose 'Thank you'

Like hell I would let her walk alone, I'll just stay on the edge of the growth of the forest. I gave her a little nudge on that cute little tush of hers and watched her walk away. Damn, look at the pert ass. I walked strategically, making no noise and making sure she was in my sight at all times. I had seen her eyes that day at school but I didn't notice her beauty. I was only on ground to make sure the pack boys were on guard because the first girl was killed the night before. I did notice her looking at the dagger in my hand and I wondered why she had such a lethal looking dagger with her. I felt like a gust of wind would topple her off balance let alone fight, though she did prove me wrong when she helped with that rogue a while ago. Most people, men and women alike, would have run a mile. She was a brave one.

She came to a stop on Rose Avenue at the line of some of the nicest houses in town. I'll have to find a way to get close to her, her scent still gave me that drunk feeling and it takes a lot to get me drunk with alcohol, almost impossible. I guess I could put off college work for a bit, I mean I'm already really busy with running the pack and what not, but god, I have to know her.

Jennifer lived around here too, I think she'd soon be in the pack my Beta has eyes on her; I'll have to check weather I can get some intel before I starts forcing my presence on this nameless girl. Wow, I didn't know the name of my mate yet.

Wait, what? Mate.

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