chapter ten ;

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"What are you looking at?" he mumbled in a low tone, his eyes were heavy and the energy around him seemed.. negative. i didn't like this feeling.

"what's it to you?" i ask quietly, watching as he took a deep breath before shooting a glare my way. it wasn't like any of his other glares, like the cocky or smug ones - this one had an unsettling vibe to it which caused me to feel a bit uneasy.

"They're the twins." he pointed out, as if we didn't already know that. 

"we just noticed them as we were walking past." jong-woo explained, looking just as frightened by moon-jo as me.

"Mr-Byun." moon-jo stepped out, walking towards them as i watched him. something was off about him tonight and i needed to put my finger on it.

i observed his outfit, the navy dark blue suit blending in with the night sky. he was holding some kind of handbag, and i was didn't know which one i was curious about more - his bandbag or the sack the twins were dragging.

i wrapped my arms around my legs, the breeze of wind causing goosebumps to form on my legs even though i was wearing long pants. ah, how was jong-woo not cold? he was literally wearing a short-sleeved shirt.

speaking of jong-woo, he nervously peaked his head up before accompanying moon-jo and standing beside him.

i wanted to inspect the sack as well but i decided staying back here was a much safer idea. the twins gave me a more darker vibe than moon-jo, and i planned on distancing myself from them.

i watched them as they exchanged words, noticing the other twin didn't have a stutter, and to me - he was much scarier than the one who did have a stutter. i didn't know why.

"Hurry up and open it. If you don't, I'll call the police." i heard, spying on them as i waited for their reactions. moon-jo and jong-woo both believed it to be a dead body which i hoped wasn't the case.

i watched as jong-woo moved forward - opening the sack and jumping in fear, i had never seen him so scared. he panted heavily as he stared at his hands like he had just murdered someone, the twin with a stutter laughed at his reaction.

moon-jo moved closer, inspecting the sack and shaking his head in disappointment. "You can't throw your dead cats over here." he said as i gasped, feeling my chest burn with anger.

"what the fuck?" i yelled, choosing to step out from my hiding place and confront the twins. 

"how the fuck could you kill cats?" i shouted, focusing on the non-stuttering twin as i was sure he was responsible for this.

"Y/n." i hear moon-jo say, but i ignore him. why the hell wasn't he angry nor fazed? he acted like he saw dead cats on a daily basis.

"you're so pathetic hurting an innocent animal. if i actually witness you doing that, the cat won't be the only thing dead." i advised, holding a stare with the twin yet my eyes were blinded by rage and anger. 

"Y/n." moon-jo grabs my arm, pulling me backwards and as an instinct, i yank myself off him. 

"don't touch me." i bite the inside of my cheek before walking off, running a hand through my hair.

everybody in that residence was so fucking weird, even jong-woo. but i knew i had to come across as strong so that if anybody tried anything to me, they would think twice before doing it.

why was that asshole even killing cats? isn't that what serial killers do? fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

my head was thumping and i knew i needed to get home quick - and as much as i didn't want to, i had to go back to that residence where i would eventually have to see everyone again.

my feet stumbled upon the tall apartment, forcing myself to enter as i dragged myself to my room. as i slammed the door shut, i leaned against the back of it - rethinking all of my decisions i made ever since i got here.

i could hear siwan enter his room, hearing him sigh out of relief as a puzzled look formed on my face. since when were the walls so thin? i could basically hear his heart beating from my room, what was the reason for this?

i mean, if i ever wanted to have some fun.. they would hear everything.

argh, what am i even thinking about? i needed some sleep.

my bed squeaked as my body rested upon it, my eyes slowly closing as i fell into a deep slumber.

[sorry for the short chapter hehe]

strangers from hell - lee dong wook ffWhere stories live. Discover now