chapter thirteen ;

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satisfied with her response, the corner of his lips tugged up into a smirk as he slowly moved her towards the dentist chair, gently resting her delicate body on it.

he took a moment to observe y/n in front of him, his heart beating a way it had never beat before. 

she wore a coy smile on her face, her finger trailing down her body teasingly as she yearned for moon jo's touch. she watched as he bit his lip, a dark look gleaming in his eyes.


his voice was soft as he held a mesmerised gaze with her, causing her face to heat up and her body to melt. 

they fell in a heavy trance as they looked at each other, the same desire lingered in both of their minds.

a loud knock interrupted their moment, earning an annoyed groan to escape from moon jo's lips as he threw his head back.

y/n's eyes searched the area for anything to cover her body with, she let out a sigh of relief as she grabbed moon-jo's lab coat from his dentist uniform. she immediately covered herself with it as moon jo made his way towards the door, his hand resting on the doorknob.

he took a deep breath before opening it slightly, leaving a small gap as he peered his head through it.


"Ah, Moon. Just wanted to let you know, we have another visitor. An old friend of mine, hehe!" 

y/n's eyes widened when she recognised the voice, moon jo glancing over his shoulder to inspect her reaction.

Miss Um wasn't as innocent as I thought.

the corner of his lips tugged up when he noticed how shocked she was, the thought of her being so clueless nearly made him laugh.

"I'm a bit occupied at the moment, Miss Um."

he lowered his voice when he said the older woman's name which y/n noticed, she felt as if he was taunting her for being so oblivious. 

"Is that so? What seems to have taken up your schedule?" 

moon jo's grip on the door becomes tighter when he feels miss um push against it, his breath hitched as she attempts to enter.

"I wouldn't." 

he muttered lowly as y/n observed how tense his body was, her mind wandered to other thoughts when she noticed at how veiny his arms were.

"Don't be greedy, I want to see who is in here." miss um giggled, the pressure on his side becoming thicker as she pushed the door once again.

his jaw clenched as he sent a cold glare towards miss um, the gap between them closing in quickly as he held the door harder.

"Aish, you're acting like that pretty girl Y/n is in there." she laughed before she made her leave, moon jo instantly slamming the door shut and running a hand through his hair.

y/n stood up from the dentist chair as she moved towards the taller male, her eyes flickering  towards his angelic face. 

she bit the inside of her cheek, observing the emotionless expression he had plastered on when he looked down at her. the same sense of danger she would constantly experience ran down her body, making her skin crawl.

"Get dressed." he gritted through his teeth, gathering her clothes from the floor and carelessly throwing them at her. she allowed herself to scowl at him, the sudden switch to him being so moody pissed her off but she let it go.

y/n crossed her arms before claiming her clothes, throwing her shirt over her head as moon jo rudely stared at her.

a soft gasp left her lips when she felt her body pressed against the wall again, his hair dangling against her forehead as he leaned towards her.

"And you won't mention this room to anyone." he demanded bluntly as he trailed his finger down her soft cheek.

"or what?" she raised an eyebrow, her eyes hesitating to look into his filled with dullness.

"Don't tempt me Y/n." his tone was low as the space between become thinner, her heart pounding faster than before.

"you don't own me." she exclaimed with her head high as she forced herself to keep steady eye contact with him, which she would soon regret.

her lips parted in pleasure when she felt his own ((lips)) against her neck, a small gasp escaping from her once he began to suck.

the feeling was soft and inviting to her which caused her to throw her head back as one of his hands moved down towards her thigh, caressing it gently.

she bit her lip as an attempt to suppress her moans in which he began to suck harder onto her neck before finally breaking it, his thumb rubbing over the lovebite he had just given her.

"Now I do." 

a playful smirk was plastered on his face as y/n looked at him with her hand over her chest, her breathe was short and quick.

his tongue poked the inside of his cheek, observing the very flustered woman in front of him. so with no hesitation, he planted a small kiss on her forehead before making his way towards the door and leaving.

"fuck." she whispered, sliding down against the wall in defeat as her fingers felt the shameless hickey he had given her.

she knew it was wrong to feel so captivated towards him, yet she was fascinated by moon jo and her heart drew closer to him every moment they shared.

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