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(Sorry this chapter's short)

Chapter 7

Riri's POV 

I was sitting on Pein’s desk while watching him give out orders to everyone and missions, me of course still being small and was unable to do so.

“Everyone go now and complete your tasks”  Pein said, soon everyone had left and it was just me and him.

I started walking over to him while he does paper work and climbed onto his shoulder and then on his head sitting down on his surprisingly soft and spikey hair.

“Oi Pein, do you have a weakness” I asked


“But aren't your rods and piercings metal and stuff?”


“Then wouldn’t your weakness be magnets or water because you’ll get all rusty”


“never mind, then”







Awkward silence



After awhile he finally said something,

“I do not have a weakness, I am God”

Nodding my head slowly

“mmmhmmm ok sure”

I thought of planning a little something while Mr. God-wannabe works.




Finally I’m done, wanna know what I did right?! Yep well I painted the walls rainbow-( wait your probably wondering if she’s still small how on earth did she paint the whole room rainbow… well… I don't know sometimes ‘logic’ needs a break too I guess), hearing a pen being placed down I concluded Pein had finally finished.

“Riri, why are the walls painted…rainbow?”

“what but they look the usual cave colour, anyhow I can’t paint the walls anyway look how tall I am, yeah only just shorter then your hand.” I said while pouting

The door opened, and in jumped Tobi, he obviously knew what I did and played along, deidara also walked in raising an eyebrow, I just winked and he gave a small nod in understanding.

“Ooooo Leader-sama, have you re-done the walls again-“ Tobi said, Pein turned to me and said, “see I told you they were different-“ he stopped him-self from saying anymore as Tobi finished his sentence,

“-, I swear every time Tobi comes in here it’s a new shade of rock”

We all just facepalmed, how Tobi keeps his act up is beyond me!

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