'Bang!' A door fell with a shout. 'Brumm' a few sparks flew through the garden then an angry manly voice shouted: "You know what, Hermione Dumbledore? You're far from being as great as you think!" Steps sounded through the yard and a 'crack' announced that the little door in the gate had got a kick.
Ginny Weasley, sitting in her study in front of her laptop, sighed and shook her head. She'd just tried to concentrate on an article about the newest trend in the magical world, but with Titus Ollivander and Hermione shouting at each other for the last hour it had been almost impossible to think of wizards going online. Even the nice story about a wizard and a witch who'd met each other in an online community without knowing about being magical and nevertheless falling in love with each other had lost a bit of its romantic touch with the couple upstairs just rowing to pieces what had begun as a nice romance a few months before. And now Hermione stormed down the stairs and once again a door banged this time the kitchens.
Ginny sighed again; secured the few lines she'd written, rose up and went to the kitchen where Hermione was just bewitching the coffee machine. Hearing Ginny she immediately began to rant: "I'll never date another wizard again! They're all incredibly thick, old-fashioned, ghastly chauvinists who think that the possession of a more or less working dangler is enough to make them superior and us their obedient slaves. You can tell them twice a day that you don't want to become a good, little housewife and that you'd rather swallow a pickled flobberworm than to get more children. It's useless! Perfectly useless. They smile at you, they even tell you, that they like independent women, but a few weeks later they waltz in with a bunch of flowers and a smile as if they were to give you a star out of heaven and then they start to babble about meeting the parents as if I wouldn't have got enough of meeting his father three times in my life! I'd actually have gotten enough in meeting him once because that lecherous old pervert always looks as if he'd like to show one the wrinkled, useless, ugly old wand he keeps in his trousers!"
Hermione's coffee was ready, but pouring them in a cup and seating down didn't stop her tirade. "And he'd love so much to meet my son! Such a cute boy and I would have to think about Leontes becoming older and needing a father and he could play quidditch with him" She had to stop to swallow her coffee.
Ginny, getting herself a cup too, laughed. "The part about Leontes and quidditch I've heard. It was rather funny, considered that my brothers and Harry obviously try to make Leon a champion even before he starts at Hogwarts."
Hermione turned her eyes. "Even Severus becomes mad about that. Last weekend he tried to convince me that it's time to buy Leontes a 'real good broom'. Have you ever heard such bullshit? Leontes is six! A fire bolt is doubled as long as he is!"
"But I'm sure he could handle it," Ginny said. "He's exceptionally talented in flying."
"And he's exceptionally talented in potions, but I won't buy him a real good cauldron either! He's six, for goodness sake!" Hermione banged with her fist on the table.
Ginny giggled. "You don't have to buy him a cauldron. He is allowed to use Severus' favorite and even his knife."
"What?" Hermione shook her head so furious, that a long, brown curl fell out of her bun. "Severus must be crazy!"
"He is. When it comes to Leon and you, he is quiet," Ginny sighed. "Which brings me to my usual question? After you've finished another affair"
"You make it sound as if I change my lovers more often than my knickers!" Hermione sulked.
"Five in the last five years," Ginny only said.
Hermione grinned. "My knickers I change daily. Besides: You know I wouldn't change lovers so often if they wouldn't always get funny ideas about moving in or marrying."