Chapter 27: Never come back!

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Notes at the end, please check it out when you finish your read! ♥

After a few songs, the singer stopped and tapped the microphone calling everyone's attention.

"As you might or might not have noticed, today was Charleston night, and we have a bonus song for tonight!" The singer made a pause and the drummer began to beat the drums to create suspense.

"The night's bonus is - Tango!"

As the singer said that, Alastor adjusted his glasses. Tango was something he didn't dance for a while, but might be interested to try with Charlie.

"How's this dance?" Charlie tilted her head and looked at Alastor.

"Well, it's..." He placed his hand over his chin. How was he going to explain this to her? "Maybe it's easier if we dance or observe others dancing it."

"We can try to dance! I'm curious." She admitted and heard the band begin to play the music. She could observe the other couples while dancing too, right?

Alastor folded his sleeves and nodded to her. He gave a few steps back and Charlie was confused. He stretched his hand towards her as if he called her with his hand. Charlie should do the same?

He slowly walked towards her and grabbed her waist to quickly spin her and grab her arm in the air. Her body leaned away from him, if he let her go she would fall to the floor. What Charlie found interesting was the intensity in Alastor's eyes looking at her. He then pulled her and spun her again. Charlie was confused. This time she stopped standing up and Alastor glued his body behind hers. Placing his hands over hers and breathing against her neck.

Charlie's whole body shivered and she blushed. His touches were so intense, so firm. He then threw her hands up and stepped back from her, beginning to dance a little away from Charlie.

Charlie looked around and saw other couples, and saw how the women were dancing. She tried to mimic the same or at least fit it into her dance with Alastor. Alastor began to walk in a dance way and Charlie walked with him. He suddenly grabbed her waist and spun her in his arms, placing his hand between her chest and neck. He threw her a little while his other hand was on her back. She threw her head back and arched her back. This dance was somehow very different from Charleston, this dance was hotter-

His hand went to hers, he pulled it up to push her away, but still holding her hand so she was "hanging" to the other side. Charlie took a peek at the other couples and when she saw, the girl's held the man's ribs and let him lead.

He then walked to her, and she did the same, as she held him, he smiled to see she was indeed very fast at learning. Almost a natural-

He then grabbed her back and spun her but he stood still in his position, making her spin around him. And right after they spun, with Alastor holding her and she holding Alastor's waist he released her.

When he stopped, releasing a bit of her body, Charlie's body went to his side, still spinning and her legs were between his, with her left leg in front of his left leg and her right leg behind. Alastor put his hand over her thigh, pulling it up in a very sexy way, at least for Charlie. She blushed, but even if Alastor was staring at her eyes, he never seemed to have second intentions with the dance movements. But it certainly would drive her crazy.

Then he let go of her and spun a little away, just to, with even more intense stare, look at her and go towards her. He took her hand and placed it on her back.

She was slowly learning this intense dance, and she couldn't stop mesmerizing the man. All his movements, all his mannerisms, so intense and so hot for her.

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