Overstimulation (smut of l.h.)

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This one goes out to all of you who still think Luke's just an innocent, vanilla guy ;)

"6 months?!"

You winced slightly, bringing the phone from your ear as various incoherent ramblings continued from the other end of the line in a high-pitched tone of voice. Your best friend certainly wasn't the one to mask her surprise when you told her of your 'big night' - the day your boyfriend, Luke, returned from tour after 6 months and the day you'd been hoping to finally get some alone time with him. But from the moment he'd stumbled through the door, his frame was slouched in exhaustion, and you could tell he wasn't in the mood, so he'd slept through the whole afternoon while you watched a Law and Order marathon by yourself.

"He's been very busy." you sighed, tucking your legs underneath you and pulling the blanket around you tighter.

"Don't bullshit me, Y/N. You totally wanted him tonight, didn't you?" The smirk in your friend's tone was blatantly obvious, but you decided to play innocent and deny it. You could hear her stifle a giggle as her voice suddenly dropped to a whisper, "I bet he's a real animal in bed."

At this, you couldn't help but giggle along with her, shaking your head, "To be honest, he's actually...well, er, vanilla." which only drew more laughter from the two of you as she demanded details.

God, you hated talking about your sex life with Luke, especially when it was bad, but you'd kept it to yourself for so long and just couldn't keep your embarrassing confessions from spilling out. The truth was, your sex was pretty 'vanilla' and even boring at times, but only because he was the biggest sweetheart ever and you were too shy to ask for anything kinky in the slightest. Everything about your relationship had been about making love, which sadly didn't include anything with that tongue of his or that fucking lipring that you secretly adored. Instead, he kept his tongue in his mouth, and you kept your mediocre orgasms to yourself, never pushed to the absolute limit with more than one orgasm at once.

"So he's not kinky at all?" your friend practically whined.

"He's not kinky...but he's sweet. Makes sure I'm okay and not hurting or anything-" "Ever tongue fucked you?"

You nearly choked on the piece of candy you'd popped into your mouth, coughing into the phone, "Tongue fucked? By Luke? God no." Your eyes shot to the bedroom door where Luke was sleeping to make sure he hadn't stirred, and you sank further into the sofa, somewhat embarrassed. You could only imagine how heartbroken your boyfriend would be if he heard you talking like this.

"But your ex used to, right?" your friend teased, to which you bit back a smile at the memory of. "Yeah, my ex had a mouth like you wouldn't believe. And his fucking fingers..." you finished with your bottom lip between your teeth and your eyes closed. You shouldn't have been thinking about him, but here you were, snuggled up on the couch and thinking back to the fun you'd had with your former boyfriend while your current boyfriend slept in the room over. Your fingers were already toying with the tie of your sweatpants, desperate to find some sort of release while your friend continued to chatter on through the phone. You were so lost in thought that you weren't paying attention to her words or her avid tone of voice or her teasing jokes or the sound of heavy footsteps approaching you. It wasn't until a hot touch closed around your hand and pried your fingers from the phone that you jumped up in surprise, mouth hanging open and eyes widened at Luke's towering frame over yours.

"Luke!" you squeaked, hurriedly moving to retract your hand from your crotch, but he'd already seen, and probably heard, it all. He hung up the phone and dropped it to the coffee table with a clatter. Just as your mouth opened to speak again, hands were lifting you to your feet and pushing you forward. Luke's touch seemed to sear through the thin fabric of your shirt as he guided you toward the bedroom without so much as an angry word or shout. You were still stuttering over your words as you flopped onto the bed.

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