Excuse (Luke Hemmings Smut)

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Story line : Luke's younger than you and one day during a fight you call him a "kid" so he simply proves you wrong.

"No, come on! Babyyyy!" Luke whined as I started a second episode of Supernatural. He'd been making comments all the way through the first one and I was getting slightly annoyed by now; I ignored him and got comfortable on the couch as a heavy sigh left his lips. He got up and started walking in the apartment as Jared Padalecki's familiar face appeared on the screen.

I was too focused on the story to pay attention to what my boyfriend was doing and the plot was getting really intense when I felt something gently hit my shoulder. I turned my head to the side to see that a small piece of bread had landed on the couch next to me. I looked up to see Luke with a stupidly satisfied grin on his face as he threw another piece at me.

"Luke, stop it! I swear there's only 5 minutes left, don't you dare ruin it" I said with a stern face but it didn't seem to impress him as he carried on throwing things at me.

"I don't care, you've been mean to me all afternoon" he answered and I rolled my eyes before focusing my gaze back on the screen to try and catch everything that was happening. That's when he decided to step in front of the TV, and being the tall boy that he was, he was hiding the whole screen, preventing me from seeing anything.

"Luke, seriously!" I complained as I threw my hands in the air in exasperation. That same grin was still on his lips, annoying me even more and he placed both his hands on his lips as he looked at me proudly.

"Annoying, right?" he asked amused and I shot him a death glare before angrily getting up and walking toward our bedroom. He followed me and I soon felt a hand wrap around my wrist as he turned me around and looked at me with a smile; his expression changed as soon as he became aware of how angry I was and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as I tried to get away from his grip.

"Don't be like that, baby, it's just a TV show" he tried to defend himself but my anger had been building for a while now and I knew I was going to blow up.

"It's just a TV show, exactly! Was it too much to ask for you to just let me watch 2 episodes? You don't like Supernatural, I get it! But I do and I'd like to be able to watch it without my boyfriend being a total pain in the ass about it!" I yelled and he cringed at my harsh tone before letting go of my hand.

"It's not about that stupid TV show, (Y/N)! It's about you refusing to spend time with me! I don't know if you're aware of that but when you're in a relationship, you're supposed to compromise! I didn't want to spend the afternoon sprawled out on a couch but it seems like what I want doesn't really matter in this relationship, does it?" he fired back and I'd started to turn around and walk away but his words stopped me and I looked at him once again.

"Oh please, Luke, you and I both know that's not true! And if that's how you felt, then maybe you should have said so, instead of throwing food at me and standing in front of the freaking TV! You're such a kid, it's unbelievable; grow up for fuck's sake!" I answered and his face turned from hurt to deeply angry in a matter of seconds.

I immediately regretted what I'd just said as I knew how much of a sensitive topic it was to Luke. I was three years older than him and he was really insecure about it when we first started dating; he always made a point of showing that he was mature enough and that he was able to handle himself like a real man. I had managed to convince him that I saw him as nothing less than one over the months and I knew that what I'd just said would probably hurt him more than I'd intended to.

"What did you just say?" he growled as his angry eyes stared at mine.

"I didn't mean it, Luke, I'm sorry... I just really wanted to watch that episode" I answered and stretched my arm out to place it on his torso but he swatted it away before roughly backing me up against the corridor wall.

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