Chapter 2. Don't do that

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'I am bored... dad can we go out? You still promised we would do something fun,' I said. 'No Emilia, two hours ago you had a seizure. You're not going anywhere and I don't think I want to take you out for a trip in a state like this,' my dad replied before passing me. 'I am rotting away here. Ever thought about that these stupid seizures are ruining my life? It's already bad enough I have them but you treat me like I can fall dead any minute. Just don't do that to me.'

'Enough, we are done talking.' I snorted and shook my head. 'You just let me rot away here? Come on! Let me enjoy life a little bit. I can handle it, dad. Besides, I want to spend time with you. I want that even more than finding a cure. I don't need a cure, I don't need to be treated like a... broken kid. I am 18, I've accepted it but I just want you. It's hard to know that you're never... there for me. You're so focused on finding that cure but I can live with it, dad. Trust me, please. Stop this all. The medication, the doctor. Fifteen years of trying... please.'

'You put our family to shame because you're broken. I am not saying this to hurt your feelings but what you will do with your life. You think you will do as a lawyer and shake in court like a maniac? Or perhaps you should become a soldier, yeah, hold a gun while shaking. You can't do anything, you are broken.' He passed me. 'Broken...' I repeated quietly to myself. I hated that word. People use it all the time to describe my condition. I didn't try to hold back my tears as my dad left. He didn't always used to be like this but after mom died and no one could actually fix me, he changed into this cold hearted man that pretended he didn't care.

I sat down at the dining table. I am not allowed to leave the house or he'll get super mad at me. It wasn't going to stop me though. It's worth it. I got back up on my feet and left the house ten minutes later. I didn't really have a designation. I just wanted to clear my mind. I crossed the street and headed towards the mall. I started to feel a little weird and before I knew I ended up on the floor. Waking up, I had this horrible pain. My body was cramped and I couldn't move, I couldn't speak and barely breath.

'Easy, don't panic.' My body cramped again. Ratchet crouched down next to me again. 'This will help you relax,' he said and injected me. 'The more you panic, the less you can breathe. I won't let you suffocate, so just try to relax,' he said. As a few minutes passed, my muscles relaxed and I was able to move and talk.  Ratchet helped me sit up straight. 'Don't tell my dad... he'll get mad,' I mumbled. Ratchet gave me a brief check-up and helped me back up on my feet. 'What did you give me?' I asked. 'Just a small amount of sedative. You might feel a little sleepy so make sure you drink enough. 'Where were you going?' I looked around. 'I didn't have a designation. Ratchet looked up. 'Come here for a second...' he forced me to sit down on a bench and checked my head. 'You fell on your head, but it's not too bad,' he said, whipping some blood away. 'You look a little pale as well.'

'I feel fine, it's okay. It's been happening for the last 15 years so... it's fine. I survived all the other seizures so, don't worry about it,' I said, getting up. 'Where were you going?' I asked. He got up as well. 'I was on a patrol,' he replied. 'Right, well.... Thank you for the help. I bet I will see you more often,' I said. 'Wait, hold on a second... you just walk off and pretend nothing happened?' he asked. 'That's like it usually goes. I can move around thanks to the sedative you gave me so I can move on,' I said. 'You just had a seizure, you can't just move on and forget about it,' he said rather shocked. 'I don't wanna think about it so... goodluck with your patrol,' I said. 'Emilia? Wait.' He blocked my way. 'Please, let me give you a quick check up so I know you're fine,' he said. 'But I feel fine, Ratchet. I really am... don't worry so much.' He gave me a strict and stubborn look. He's not going to let this one slide so easily. 'Fine, if it makes you feel better.' He took me to his alt-mode and I hopped in the back. 'Just do me a favor...' he hummed before turning back towards me. 'Don't turn in those doctors like I have seen the last fifteen years,' I scowled.

'I am better than them anyway,' he joked. I snorted and shook my head. He did some quick tests, nothing too special luckily. 'You're fine... do you have any pain?' he asked. He squeezed the muscles in my arm a little bit. 'Where you injected me but what you gave me covers most of the burning pain,' I said. 'Burning pain...' he repeated to himself. 'Yup, but I told you I am fine so... I am going to Starbucks,' I said and jumped back on my feet. 'Don't give me that look, Ratchet. What is with you doctors having that... look?' I scowled. 'What look? I am not giving you a look,' he sulked to himself. 'Yes, you are... everyone gives me that, even my dad. Please, don't do that...' I sulked. He watched me, 'you know it's my job to make sure people don't die, right?' he asked. 'Yes, I do... but I am fine now. This won't be the last time you see me like this. You already did more for me than most doctors did. You made the pain go away,' I said. He jumped out of the back of his alt-mode, removing his medical gloves. 'You could have injured yourself. Your head, neck if you hit something like a rock or edge of the sidewalk.

'I am fine, Ratchet...' He sighed. 'Alright, be careful,' he said. I hummed, 'thanks,' I muttered and stepped on the sidewalk again. He eyed me for a moment before he closed the back of his alt-mode and walked up to the front of the ambulance. 'See you around.' I flashed him a smile and watched him disappear. He probably doesn't even realize he's more of a support than most of my doctors are. He looks further than my disease. I liked that. Makes me feel like I am normal.

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