Chapter 10. Fight or flight

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I had taken the wrong road. It was a dead end. I halted and looked around. The sun was up, but it was foggy and chilly. I had no feelings in my hands and my nails had turned blue. Signs of hypothermia. I felt like absolute shit right now. I was lost and freaking out, even I tried so hard to stay calm and find a solution for this mess. I always have a solution. I sat down against a tree, allowing my legs to rest for a moment. From my backpack, I got a candy bar but it was the only source of food I had. I wasn't preprared for this. Ratchet is probably aware by now that I am not in Washington DC anymore but I wasn't sure either what he was going to do about it. He can't find me and my dad is never going to tell him the truth.

I looked up as I heard something vague in the distance. It seemed like a car but the fog made it hard for me to see what kind of car. The car slowed down and eventually stopped near the road, close to where I was. It transformed and by the looks of it, I could tell this wasn't an Autobot. I backed off as far as I could, looking up and through the fog I stared in two red eyes. 'What is this little human doing here?' he asked, his voice deep and dangerous. I wasn't able to utter a word and despite the cold, my body was shivering from fear. 'Don't be afraid, bug.' He reached for me, picking me up. 'I didn't except a human to be in my territory,' he mocked. I gulped while he stepped back on the road. 'You know who I am?' he asked, I shook my head again. 'I am Overlord,' he muttered.

I was new into this, I had never met a Deception and I never heard of Overlord before. 'I am alone, if you wonder,' he said as he caught me frantically scanning the area. 'I am a bit of a lone wolf,' he added. 'I love to hunt humans, I think I just found my new vicitm...' he tightened his grip on my body. I groaned in pain. 'I love to see humans suffer and die. It's a sport for me... I will give you a head start of three minutes before I come after you, murdering you in the most cruel way you can imagine. You will endure so much pain that you beg me to kill you. You will be helpless and crying,' he snarled. Tears wiggled down my cheeks. 'Already crying?' he taunted. He dropped me on the floor and I hurt my ankle pretty hard. I uttered a scream.

'Stop whimpering so much, human,' he snapped. 'Or I might consider killing you right here and now,' he snapped. I curled back on my feet and started running through the woods into a random direction. I felt like a fire going through my ankle every time I hit the ground with my foot. I fell a couple of times, scratched myself and eventually ended up in the creek. The only thing I heard was my racing heart. I wanted this to be over, I wanted to go home. I hate the woods, I hate my dad and I hate my life right now. The only thing I heard right now was the racing of my heart. My clothing was soaked as I hoisted myself from the creek.

I panted and took a moment to catch my breath. As I did so, I bullet hit the tree only inches away from me. I screamed and hit behind the creek. I guess his holoform had opened the hunt for me. I got up and started running again, still not sure which way to go. If I stop, he'll kill me. That was all that went through my mind. I could only hope that I wouldn't have another seizure. Overlord is playing a game, a sick game. I collapsed again and grabbed a tree. Overloard is zo much faster than I am. How can I can escape him in this state?

I reached another road and collapsed. I hoped for someone to pass by and take me and I don't care where. As long as I don't have to stay here any longer. I looked up as I heard somethig in the distance. I thought it was Overlord, but it wasn't. The engine sounded different than what I heard before. 'Emelia?' the voice was so familiar. I opened my eyes. 'Come on, get up.' Ratchet tightly grabbed me and forced me to get up. 'There's a Decepticon...' he cut me off. 'I know, now hop in,' he odered. He helped me and drove off before I could even buckle the seatbelt. 'You're okay?' he asked. I shot him a glare, 'does it look like I am okay?' I snapped. He didn't reply and focussed back on the road. As I looked in the side mirror, I saw Overlord's holoform standing on the road, watching us with his piercing red eyes. 

'I don't feel good...' 

'I know but I can't pull over. Try to think of something else,' he suggested. Think about something else? What am I supposed to think about. Ratchet drove for half an hour and eventually pulled over at a gasstation at the highway. 'Come on.' He moved himself towards the back and I slowly followed. I hugged him and buried my face in his chest. 'It's okay,' he mumbled. 'It's not okay! My dad dumped me in the woods and aimed a gun at me... because he's ashamed,' I cried. 'I am not ashamed of you.' He sat me down on the stretcher and checked me over without asking any questions. 'Overlord...' he raised his hand to silence me. 'I know, he opened the hunt for us but don't worry, nothing bad will happen. I make sure of that, okay?' he asked. I gave a small nod and curled up when he was done.

((Ratchet's P.O.V))
I gave Emelia a sedative that put her to sleep. I covered her up before hitting the road again. I drove and listened to my own engine while thinking about Emelia. If I never showed up, she would've been dead already. So many questions flew through my mind. How can her father possibly do this to her? I don't get it. Because he's ashasmed of her? I feel like something more is going on and I want to find out what. Before I can do that, I have a nother problem. I know Overlord quite well, I have dealed with him before. He's a loner but a good rival for Megatron. He loves to play games with his victims, chase them, torture them in cruel ways before brutally mudering them. He opened the hunt on Emelia and he will get to her if I let my guard down. Overloard just wants to finish the job. I have to get to Washington DC as fast as possible. 

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