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who the fuck is this killua zoldyck? and why is he so fucking gorgeous?


"Mito-san! I'm leaving now! Make sure not to let anyone in!" 

The raven said before leaving the apartment. Before he left, he heard his Aunt Mito say something on the lines of, "Go fight your bulls like you always do! I'm older than you, way older than you! So of course I know not to let anyone in!"

Gon chuckled, locking the door and going to his car which was parked outside of the apartment building. He unlocked it and let himself in the driver's seat. As he started his car, Gon saw his Aunt Mito waving at him from their apartment window. He smiled, waved back, and proceeded to drive off.

He had a tournament coming up soon and he was excited. It had been a while since his last tournament so of course he'd be excited. Oh wait, you might be wondering. What kind of tournament? Boxing. Yes. Boxing. That piece of grass does boxing. 

Gon pulled up to the arena, or whatever the hell you call it. It was an old building that 'outsiders' didn't know about. Yeah, illegal boxing. Whoops.. anyway the owner of the building was a lady named Bisky. She's the coach since she hella strong and she, I guess, kinda 'created' the place. She bought the place for people who'd want to box illegally. Who would wanna do that? Don't ask me. But apparently many, many people. Whenever it was Gon's tournaments, the tickets would be sold out in a matter of seconds and would be fucking expensive. 

Everybody wanted to fight the undefeated Gon though not everybody would get the chance too.

He entered the old building and was blinded by the bright lights for a second. Once his eyes adjusted to the light, he waved a hello to Feitan, one of his buddies. 

"Yo Feitan! Where's the coach man?"

Gon asked with a confused expression on his face. Their coach, Bisky, was always the first one here. Always waiting for the others to arrive and all she'd say is, "Oh I just got here. Don't worry."

Feitan shrugged, showing a bit of his confusion as well. 

"I'm not sure dude. Nobody knows where she is. But apparently, someone she knows will be introduced. Someone she used to train with."

Gon nodded, indicating he was still listening. 

"I don't know if I should believe it but the coach has been busier these days. She always gets calls, answers them after looking at the ID and runs to her office. She never answer her calls."

Gon nodded, taking in all the information he was given. 

"Yeah, I'm not sure man. The coach never mentioned anything about anyone training with her."

They shrugged it off, walking towards the training room where they were met with many of their friends and people who practice with them. Gon smiled wide, waving at the group of friends.

"Yo Gon! Have you practiced for your tournament?"

Nobunaga jokingly said as he snickered.

Gon scoffed and rolled his eyes, ignoring the guy.

"Gon, the coach messaged me and said she'll be here soon. So you should probably go practice."

A girl named Machi explained. Gon gave her a warm smile, thanking her and then leaving. But before he left, their coach barged into the room and they all went out to greet her. 

"Hey coach- uh. Who's that?"

Gon noticed who Shalnark was talking about. Once Gon layed eyes on him, his mouth agape. 

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