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gon freeces is a rude ass mother fucker


{Killua's pov}

These people were beating the shit out of each other. It's like they were caught making out with their girlfriend.

One of the males gave an uppercut, and a kick jab but his stance was all wrong. The other male seemed to notice and took the advantage by sending a quick, and hard cross.

(Had to do my own research for the moves 😅)

I was caught off guard not noticing someone was right next to me. Scaring the shit out of me when he tapped my shoulder.

"Why hello there~"

I looked to see a male, taller than me with pink hair, a pink star and cyan color tear. He's wearing a crop top, showing some abs, flap cargo pants, and black military boots.

Man was he good looking.

(i agree -megasimp)

He raised his arm and placed it around my shoulders. He leaned towards my ear and whispered.

"So Killua, are you single by any chance~"

'What? Who the hell goes up to someone and asks them about being single?' I thought to myself.

I turned my attention towards him and looked him in the eyes. I grab his hand, place it towards his side and say.

"Yes I am, but I rather not let it be you I'd be partners with."

And with that, I left somewhere far away from whoever he is.

I ended up finding a place in between a male whose hair looks like grass but fairly built, tanned skin, hazel eyes, green t-shirt, black sweats, and blue sneakers. The other one was built, seeing the muscles though his tight ass t-shirt, pompadour hairstyle, white shorts, with white sneakers.

I tried to hide my presence but luck wasn't on my side since they seemed to notice me.

"Hey there…..um….Killua right? Well I'm Knuckle and it's great to meet ya." He added, "And this here is my fellow friend Gon. Or should I say Mr. Unbeatable."

"Hehehe. That's me, Mr. Unbeatable but I'd prefer Gon. Gon Freecss."

"Hm. Yeah nice to….meet you two."

The conversation immediately died down, the only sounds coming were the shouting and cheering.

{Gon's pov}

'Holy, mother of God. He's by my side and I literally talked to him. Just relax, take deep breaths Gon. No need to get all excited over someone you just met. Ugh, but he's just so hot that I just want to eat him.'

I was so busy in my thoughts that I was caught staring.

Knuckle stared back at me then at Killua then back at me. He then had that evil smirk plastered on his face, while wiggling his eyebrows.

'Oh, I see someone has a little crush~' He mouthed out.

I so wanted to beat the shit out of him. Smack, no, punch that smirk out of that face and make him beg for mercy.

Oh, I really want to see that. But what I didn't know was that Knuckle and the Killua were having a conversation, laughing it all.

'His laugh. Oh his laugh sounds like music.' I thought.

I felt heat rush to my face when I saw those ocean blue eyes sparkled. But apparently, he was smiling and laughing at Knuckle's jokes.

I placed my hand towards my heart, feeling this pain.

'Why do I feel like this? Is this jealousy? I have to do something to stop Knuckle from saying anymore. I have to make an excuse, but what of?'

An idea has popped up.

I went towards Knuckle, grabbed his wrist, giving him a tight squeeze and dragged him out of there.

{Killua's pov}

Knuckle was a very funny guy. Him meeting Bisky and how frightened he is to face her head on.

"She's strong and very young. How old is she anyways? Ha, I don't even know that answer."

"Bisky is an old hag. She doesn't want anyone else to know that she's in her late 50's."

"Huh?! How the hell is she that old but looks so young? Does she get plastic surgery or something?"

"I don't know she probably-"

I was rudely interrupted by Gon, dragging Knuckle away somewhere to God knows where.

I was left standing there like a total idiot. Like who drags people out of here. Unless you're a serial killer, then yeah, seems right.


and thats why i loveeeeeeee

nestle crunch



sorry this took so long to get out

ive got exams and ive finished one of them

i got another one tomorrow and then an essay/writing prompt

but besides that

hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

this was written by my lovely collaborator!

the amazing collaborator in question: animeweebmangalover

love ya lovely writer


remember to drink water!!!!

both us writers love you all!!!!



-your dear authors

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