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"i like gon, hes a funny guy. the funniest joke he said was, 'my dad didnt want me.'"


{Gon's pov}

I dragged Knuckle with me to our locker room and frowned. He knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to get me jealous and get a reaction out of me.

And it worked.


Though it shouldn't because I barely even know Killua.

"Why are you like this, Knuckle?"

The said man laughed out loud, literally wiping a tear.

"Oh man. I haven't seen you react like that in so long. I just had to."

He managed to say through his loud laughter. I rolled my eyes, knowing it was true. Whenever I had a crush on someone, Knuckle would always find a way to make me confess that I did crush on them. Whether it was verbally or physically. Whether it ended up with his ass beat or not. And it usually did.

"Come on Knuckle. He probably thinks I'm rude now."

Knuckle wiped a tear, apologizing, though he didn't even mean it. 

"Haha, I'm sorry man. I'll make it up to you by getting you a drink after this."

"You better."


{3rd pov}

The fights finally ended. Killua's favorite was kinda obvious. Gon's fights. Gon knew how to fight unlike most people who practiced here. His stance was good, his fighting style, everything. Killua hummed his satisfaction. His first fight that he had watched in so long, was the actual best. 

Just then, Bisky ran out of her office towards Killua. Before Killua could wave, she grabbed his shoulders and leaned close to his face.


Killua looked at her in confusion. For some fucking reason, that made her a bit mad.

"The fights! Gon's fight!"


Bisky deadpanned, shaking her head. She stared at Killua in displeasure at his reaction.

"Oh.. They were good. Gon's fights were the best. Like you said. I guess I do owe you a drink now huh?"

Bisky 'yessed' and patted herself on the back.

"Don't get too full of yourself. You bet that 'cause you know he's a good fucking fighter."


"Old hag."

"I'll give you an F in your photography class right now."

"I'm sorry."


Bisky hummed, smiling. Killua followed her to the training room and entered. He blushed when he saw the ones that had the 'best' fights, shirtless. There were a bunch of them.

"Alright. The ring will close early tonight. Make sure you get all your things. I'm leaving with Killua. Chrollo, make sure you lock the door and make sure everybody is gone."

Chrollo nodded, Killua assumed he was in charge when the old hag wasn't here. 

"Wait, coach!"

Bisky hummed in acknowledgement, turning around to face the raven with grass-like hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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