P a r t 14

286 7 11


When I find this girl, I might actually kill her myself. First she decided to fun from the mafia which is so dumb, I mean, everyone knows you can't hide from them and then she got kidnapped by one of SM main rivals. 

She ran from the people trying to save her but didn't run from the person who actually wants her dead. 

I mean...It's not like she knew that we had good intentions anyways. Whatever.

"Ayo bro you good?" Mark asked me from the right of me. Of course I wasn't, I was here saving someone I didn't know. I just nodded before making a b-line straight to the door of the warehouse.


"You bastard" I cussed at the guy that was smirking at me from a few feet away. "Your so lucky that Boss said to keep away from you, otherwise I would've forced you to your knees by now" he said. I internally vomit.

I rolled my eyes, having my bratty side coming out. "There will be no time for that" a man comes out from the doors on the other side. "Because her worthless father and his weak gangs are outside the warehouse" he smirked.

"Are ready to meet daddy dearest?" he mocked. My hands were secured behind the chair that I was sitting on and Haneul was nowhere to be found. "Where is my brother?" I hissed at him. "Now where would all the fun be for your father if I didn't give him a hard time in finding his heirs?" the guy smirked.

Bro, I don't even know you 

"How about you tell us where the boy is before you get a bullet in between your eyes?" 

The guy turned around to look at at least 50 people who had  their guns drawn in his face, with the guy in the middle looking very familiar. Ah. Yes. The guy who seemed to hate my guts but still was very interested as to why I had bruises and cuts all over my face.

"I don't think we need to go with the whole 'let go of her otherwise we'll kill you' nonsense. You know very well what will happen if you don't listen to us so save everyone some time and let her go and just maybe we'll let you free after using you as a free punching bag back at the main compound" the guy said.

Damn, He looked hot. All black outfit. Razor-sharp jawline, Fluffy hair. And very cute and deep dimples that I could eat cereal out of. Okay Bye.

Yet here I was running from this exact man. Well not just him. Next to him was a slightly older man who showed me a small smile and nodded to 2 other guys who also seemed very familiar. Mark and Jeno?

Jeno showed me his infamous eye smile from the mask that he was wearing and untied me from the chair as I frantically look around for Haneul. "Don't worry, one of our subunit's found him and now have him in one of the vans outside" Mark said as he patted me on the back.

I nodded and looked around to see people at all levels of the warehouse had pulled their guns on each other and all because of me. Wow quite the trouble maker, aren't I? I made eye contact with some man probably in his early 50s. (ikik SM's real age is something way older but I'm gonna make him sound a bit younger than he actually is)

Oh hello Father. 

He gave me a weak smile. He tried to step closer to me but the other guy was faster, grabbing hold of me and holding a sharp knife to my neck. Jeez bro, why so agresssive. "Stay away, you traitor. We were supposed to share a company Soo-man" he said.

"We had planned for our children to get married and take over our empire. But no! You had to fucking kill my son and divorced your wife, who then disappeared after putting your daughter and son into an orphanage" he screamed.

"Jinyoung, shut the fuck up. I knew, I knew what the fuck you were doing. You were trying to take my wife away from me. I knew that the only way to keep her out from getting in between the two of us is if she left the Mafia. I spent years and years trying to find her but she disappeared!" My father screamed. 

Wait what? My mother that I was calling 'Mom' for so long wasn't actually my mother. Hell, she hadn't even given birth to me or my brother. She had picked us up from a orphanage?

"Now, let Y/n go. She's all I have left from Yujin" he stated. It was silence. I was just standing there with this guys arms around my shoulders and a knife to my neck. "So will you let me go?" I yelled at the guy behind me.

He huffed in annoyance and dropped me. Hard. I landed on my knees and my hands were holding my neck to make sure that I didn't have any cuts from that knife. "Y/n. Sweetheart, come here" my father said.

I stood up shakily. I mean perhaps this guy had he blood running through me but yet again, I wouldn't know. What if this was all a lie, and the only reason why these people wanted me was because they could use me as a way to get back at my drug addicted foster family.

I don't care, I wanted my brother. 

I walked over to him, he wasn't as tall as the strong and powerful looking men that were surrounding us. "Dad" I croaked out. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I promise to explain everything once we get home. Your home" I nodded. 

He called over someone who looked familiar but didn't look familiar at the same time and told him to direct me to the SUVs. The young boy nodded and linked arms with me. He took me outside and towards an SUV with Haneul sleeping inside before bursting out.

"Hi, I'm Chenle, Jisungie's best friend and only friend. I don't know whether you remember me or not but I was there at the cafe when you had fainted and we found multiple bruises on your face and arms" he said in a small voice until the end.

His facial expressions lit up again when he started talking again. "But don't worry. Now, you have your real father with you and us, NCT and SM Ent as a whole, to protect you so now you can do things without fearing anyone hurting you or your brother" he smiled.

Without fearing anyone. 

Something, I never knew I'd hear. Finally some peace and I could finally enjoy my life. Maybe with Mafias surrounding me but at least I wouldn't be running back and fourth between a damn café, a club and diner, and drug-ridden apartment.

...but what about Mr Choi?

Fake Smiles~ Jung JaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now