P a r t 16

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This girl would be the death of me. 

She shimmied her petty ass away from me and up the staircase of the mansion/palace that her father bought her to. "Bitch" I muttered under my breath before walking into the mansion and up the stairs.

"Yo bro, the info on the drugs came back from our teams in Italy. It's not looking good. Carlos is getting angrier and his secretary contacted Lucas a few hours ago to say that he might be planning on attacking NCT or the SM Mafia" Hendary sighed.

I cursed under my breath, the last thing I wanted was for Carlos to unleash some stupid attack on our mafia when we just got Boss' daughter back. "Right, then, I'll go make some backup plan in case that is what Carlos does, until then just monitor the shipment that was supposed to go to him a few days ago, the batch that Mark sent to Italy, make sure those drugs have reached him" I said.

That damned bastard. He knew that the drugs were lost in Italy, then he should've used his people to go and find them, why cause us problems. "I have more work left, I'm going to the office and then I'll come back to the mansion, that is if Sulli still wants to come" I rolled my eyes.

Even Sulli needed to keep out my business, she was starting to irritate me with her disobedient ways. She got into luxury, now all she needed to do was to sit still and if she failed to do that, I wouldn't hesitate to put her back in her place. 

But I could feel her will to fuck up my life, not that it wasn't already fucked up. I shook my head from any thoughts of her and went upstairs.


I rolled around on my bed while listening to the drama that was playing in the back round. I'm not saying that it was boring but it didn't feel the same like when I was watching it with Yoona. Speaking of which, I should probably call her but then again, her family both welcomed me with open arms and also tried to turn me in, to my father.

Which made no sense to me, because here I was. In this mansion and surrounded by so many of my maids. I hated saying that. I'm sure they had names and I knew I should call them by their names and not by some categorised word based on their job. Especially because some of the maids were older than me.

I was having pointless conversations with myself in my head because I was clearly bored out of my damn mind. Maybe I should go and see what everyone else was doing. I went downstairs and passed a few NCT members and Jaehyun being one of them.

I sent him a sly smirk and saw his jaw clench before heading to the garage. There, I saw a bunch of men working and repairing cars such as SUVs and Range and Land Rovers. I was mesmerised and completely ignored that the men had bowed to me. I gave them a quick nod before going towards the end of the garage where I saw some Dream members helping Johnny fix a Lamborghini.

"Hey guys" I smiled. "Hi Noona!" I saw Hanuel standing next to Jisung while he showed him all the different parts of the engine that had been taken out. "Hi Sulli, I hope your settling in nicely in the mansion. Sorry if you weren't able to see Hanuel all day, Chenle and Jisung just can't seem to stay away from that cute little ball of joy" Renjun said, ruffling Hanuel's hair.

Hanuel just stared at Renjun with his big doe eyes, which were enough to have the whole group break out in 'awes'. "I'll go and catch up with the others" I said and waved goodbye to them. I walked towards the basement of the mansion to see that there were 2 rooms. 

Gun and Gear


I entered the training room as the Gun and Gear room seemed to be locked with a passcode that they would eventually have to tell me. Their training room seemed to be the most basic however it was something right out of those thriller movies. There was a lot of training and gym equipment however the one that caught my eye the most was boxing gloves and the ring that was in the middle of the whole room.

I looked around to see if anyone was inside before I turned towards the boxing equipment and walked towards it. I put the boxing gloves on and instantly, I felt strength and courage. I looked at how the gloves fitted perfectly in my hands and how they covered them.

"I see you found something that you like?" someone asked from the door way. I turned towards the door to see a young handsome looking boy standing in the doorway with a light smirk on his face. I think his name started with a J. He laughed as if reading my mind. 

"The names Jaemin" he smirked.

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