To those who play the phone app game Digimon ReArise. Will only truly know what I'm talking about. Even before playing season 2 of the story, I knew about Michi, one of the main characters and her partner Angewomon. Become mind-controlled by the great GranDracmon and becoming his minions. When learning of that I was excited to see that in the story and see how the characters will save them and see what kind of role the vampire digimon will give to the pair. But when playing the next act, I was greeted with disappointment. The act starts off with the cast in a downcast mood as they haven't seen Michi and Angewomon in three days. I was surprised by that and hoped to see what the duo were doing within those three days. Spoilers! We never learn what they did. No flashbacks, no dialogue or anything of the sort. So, my best guess is GranDracmon took Michi and Angewomon back to the Digital World and had them do nothing while he came up with his next plan. Now when it comes to the present, Michi and Angewomon are destorying things that made Michi sad in anyway or pretty much anything Michi holds dear... so just causing pure chaos. Ok, kinda boring but makes sense for GranDracmon as he wants humans to express the negative emotions as he treats things as if he's watching or directing a play. Now when it comes to the mind-control it's written weirdly for Michi as she sometimes expresses her true feelings despite not fighting against it... at least, I think. Anyway, I'm writing this story to explore more of Michi under GranDracmon's control. Now I'm writing this more for myself rather than trying write some grand story. So I'm keeping the writing simple. Hope you enjoy.
Day 0
"Eye of the Gorgon!" GranDracmon exclaimed, his right eye glowing a menacing orange color. Michi, a teenage girl who has been hearing the Vampire Digimon's whispered voice within her own mind. Is unable to save herself from the digital monster's dark influence. From within she can feel the darkness her heart had generated spread out through her entire body. If Michi wasn't in such a perilous state right now she could describe the feeling as a cold stream that broke free from its dam. Though the feeling of coldness was quickly replaced by a feeling of pain when the darkness reached her head. In a firm grip she places her hands on both sides of her head in hopes to soothe the harmful feeling, but it was a completely futile attempt. The pain continued to grow and grow till she couldn't handle it anymore and let out a loud scream. Then suddenly her screaming stopped. She falls onto her knees, her head drooping a little, which made it difficult to see her face.
From where he is standing. GranDracmon watched in glee has he saw a purple aura manifest itself around the human and envelop her. Letting him know that the human is now susceptible to his brainwashing. "Stand Michi." He mentally ordered through the connection that he now had with the girl. She does so and pretty stiffly one would add. As if she was being puppeteered by some invisible strings. The sight causes a chill to run down the other human and their Digimon's spines. Michi puts her hand on her head again and starts rubbing it and speaking in a livelier tone than anyone would think she would. "Ow! Why does my head hurt so much!?" She asked to really no one. She then starts looking around her surroundings. "And what was I doing that has me in the park?" Her gaze eventually lands on the human and their Digimon partner. "Oh, that's right! I remember now! Angewoman, attack their Digimon!"
Angewoman, who already fell under GranDracmon's control, obeyed her partner's order and attacked the digital monster with more power than an ultimate level should have. The Digimon sustain so much damage it reverted back into its Rookie form. GranDracmon watched with great amusement as saw and sensed the despair the other human was giving off. And despite how much he wanted to continue it. He decided to leave it at that for the time being as he wants to plan for more excitement in the coming days. "Let us close the curtains for this evening. Come now, Michi and Angewoman." He said.
Digimon ReArise: Three Days with the King of Vampires
FanficThree days before springing his plan for the Real World. GranDracmon used his powers to brainwash Michi and her partner Angewomon to be his minions. What did he have the two do during those three days? Read to find out.