Chapter 11) Do i tell him

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You wake up next to Jayla
let me check you up to speed
it's been three weeks of you staying at the Walton house everyone has excepted you
you've gotten really close with Jayla and Jaden but your crush on Javon has been getting way bigger
you and Jayla Found out like Jaden and Kylee like each other you guys think there going to start dating soon
Jayla:how did you sleep
Jayla:ok i'm going down stairs
You:ok i'm going to take a shower
you go to Jaylas bathroom and get in the shower you let the warm water hit your back and you scrub your hair with shampoo
after you get done in the shower you do your per usual morning routine brush your teeth, brush your hair,do your skin care,take your meds,get dressed and then do your makeup

after you get ready you go down stairs you and Javon catch eye contacts before you head to the kitchen we're Jayla is Jayla:uhh You:what Jayla:i still can hear Kylee and Jaden on the phone You:still dude i was yo till like three listening to themJ...

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after you get ready you go down stairs you and Javon catch eye contacts before you head to the kitchen we're Jayla is
Jayla:i still can hear Kylee and Jaden on the phone
You:still dude i was yo till like three listening to them
Jayla:really i fell asleep after awhile
You:yea you were really tired
Jayla:why can't they just start dating already
You:i don't know
you and Jayla talk while she makes her food you check yourself staring at Javon here and there
Jayla:so do you like him yet she says while catching you staring at him playing video games in the living room
Jayla:do you like him
You:you promise if i tell you the truth you won't tell anyone
Jayla:yes i promise on my moms life
You:ok yes i do i kinda have for like a month now
Jayla:oh my god yay you have to tell him
You:you think he likes me
Jayla:yes i can tell
You:i don't know it's something about him Jayla
Jayla:trust me he's a good guy
You:i don't know if i can tell him
Jayla:just do it you'll never now what's going to happen if you don't take the change if don't you could regret no saying something before it's to late you just have to say the truth even if it's hard
You:ok i'll try to make myself
Jayla:ok Javon foods ready
Javon:ok one second
You:is it bad both of your goals worked out you say hopping on the counter to sit down
Jayla:i didn't realize that but i did it
You:you did
Javon comes over and grabs his food you feel his hand against your leg as he grabs his fork from the corner
You get chills
You:oh it's fine
you start to blush you look away so he can't see
Jayla smiles at you
You:stop you mouth to her
he walks back to the living room
Jayla:girl your blushing what did he even do
You:he accidentally touched my leg
Jayla:ok i'm going to eat and then we can go watch Netflix in my room

she eats and you guys go up to her room and watch Ginny and Georgia
you guys could hear Jaden talking to Kylee and Javon doing an interview
Jayla:should we watch Javons interview
you guys turn it on it was thing one

you guys watch it Jayla:Bailey You:yes Jayla:you have to say sum to him about you liking himYou:fine i will after then interview Jayla:oh my god yay You:yes now shh Jayla:fine after you go to Javons room and knock on the doorJavon:yes You:umm it's...

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you guys watch it
Jayla:you have to say sum to him about you liking him
You:fine i will after then interview
Jayla:oh my god yay
You:yes now shh
after you go to Javons room and knock on the door
You:umm it's Bailey can i come in
Javon:yea he says as he opens the door
You:umm so i need to tell you something
Javon:ok what's up
he sits down on his bed
Javon:you can sit down
You sit down next to him
You:ok so there's no easier way to say this so i'm saying it start forward
You:so basically i like you and you probably don't like me but i needed to tell yo-
he cuts you off by kissing you
He pulls away
you start to blush
Javon:Bailey i like you too i have for the longest time
You:oh i just thought you didn't
Javon:how couldn't i
You:so what does this mean
Javon:what do you want it to mean
Javon:we can take it slow Bays if that's what you want
that nickname makes you blush more
He notices
Javon:ok so i have to get in the shower but do you want to watch a movie after
Javon:ok bye bay's
you get up and walk out
Jayla:oh my god did it go bad why are you so red
You:thanks Jayla
You:let's say it went very well
Jayla:oh my god i told you he liked you Bailey
You:yea i know you don't have to brag
Jayla:ok so what's happening now
You:he wanted to watch a movie together so i said yes
Jayla:ok go put perfume on
you put on some perfume and re brush your hair
15 minutes later you hear his shower turn off you wait a couple of minutes before heading to his room
you knock on the door
You:can i come in
you open the door and he's grabbing a hoodie from his closet
Javon:you can get a movie up
You:umm yea what do you want to watch
Javon:i don't care whatever you want but can it be a horror movie
you go sit on his bed and turn on his tv
Javon stares at you
You:what you say looking at him
Javon:nothing your just so pretty
You:thanks your pretty cute yourself
Javon:thanks do you want anything to eat
You:not at the moment but thanks for offering
he gets in his bed and lays right next to you
you pick one
You:this good
You turn it on and lay down
you fall sleep in the middle of them movie

Javons pov:
i turn the movie off and pull Bailey in to my chest
she hugs me tight and puts her head into my neck

soon after Javon falls asleep

I hope you liked this chapter

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