Chapter 12)At pecie

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Then next morning you wake up in the same spot that you fell asleep in
Javon was still sleeping holding you tight
You manage to grab his phone and check the time
it was 10:27
You lay back down
Javon pulls you closer
You let him
Javon:stay with me for little bit he says i'm his morning voice
You:ok 20 minutes
he holds you close
You just trace letters on his back
Javon:you don't know how happy i am you said you liked me
You:i was just telling you the truth
Javon:we'll i'm glad you did
You:so do i
you see Javon blush
You:ok time to let me go
You:yes i have to get ready
Javon:but i'm tired ten more minutes please
You:fine but no more after this
Javon:till tonight
You:you want me to sleep in here tonight
you lay with him for ten more minutes
You:ok Javon i have to go
Javon:ok fine he gives you a kiss on the forehead before you get up
you go to Jayla's room she was still sleeping
you go to the bathroom and get in the shower and do your regular morning routine
you put on sweat pants with one of Jaylas T-shirts
you go and do your makeup
Jayla walks into the bathroom as your finish up your mascara
Jayla:hi when did you get up
You:like 45 minutes ago
Jayla:oh what time is it
You:11:17 you as you put your phone back down
Jayla:how was the movie
You:first half was good i don't know about the rest i fell asleep
Jayla:per usual
You:oh shut up
Jayla:can you get your feet out of the sink i have to brush my teeth
You:yea you say hopping off the counter
Jayla:why do you even do your makeup sitting in the sink
You:i don't know
Jayla:nice shirt
You:thanks got it from your closet
you lay on Jayla's bed while she gets ready you can hear Kylee on the phone with Jaden
You:dude Jayla
You:Jaden and Kylee are still on the phone
Jayla:oh my god none of them are going say anything are they
after she gets ready you guys go down stairs and Jayla makes breakfast with her mom
Jessica:Jaden take a break form your girlfriend
Jaden:mom he says coming down the stairs
Jessica:speaking the truth
Jayla:mom he's saying that because he too much of a baby to say anything
Jessica:Jaden it rare for a girl to speak up their usually to scared
Jaden:ok but what are they scared of
Jayla:being rejected and then ruining the whole friendship
Javon looks at you
You look down
he comes over to the kitchen
Jessica:hey wanna
Dj:what's for breakfast
Jessica:(you pick)
Dj:ooo yes
Javon is staring at you
you look just at him
you:what you mouth to him
he smiles at you
you smile back
You:oh his smile is so cute and the dimples
Javon:god i'm so happy she likes me
Jessica:Bailey when's you Dance practice again
You:it's at 3:45 you say looking up at her
Jessica:ok so i'll just leave the gym early
Dj:Javon you coming today you skipped yesterday
Javon:oh yea sorry about that i had an interview
Dj:oh how did it go
Javon:it went well
Dj:ok so we'll work on
they start talking about boxing so you go up to Jayla's room and do your school work
after a little Javon walks in
Javon:why'd you leave
You:because i had to do school
Javon:come to my room
You:i'm comfy though
Javon:yea but we can't cuddle in Jayla's room
You:I have work though
Javon:can't it wait
You:no i have school then dance right after
Javon:fine but tonight i get all the cuddles i won't
he gives you a smile as he leaves the room
you finish your work and then get ready for dance at 3:30 Jessica gets back and drives you to the studio
you practice for about two hours then Jessica brings you back home you get in the shower and then go to Javons room he wasn't home yet
45 minutes later you he him coming up the stairs
he walks in his room
you:oh shit he looks really hot right now
Javon:oh hey
Javon:how long have you been waiting for
You:like 50 minutes
Javon:oh you should have texted me me and my dad were just messing around
You:it's fine
Javon:ok i'm getting in the shower and then we can cuddle
You:ok you smile at him
he smiles back and grabs his clothes then goes to his bathroom
you scroll through TikTok while you wait
he comes out in sweats and goes to his closet and grabs a hoodie
Javon:ok come here he says as he lays down on the bed
he grabs you waist and gently pulls you closer to him
You:you smell good
You:why do you like me
Javon:what do you mean
You:why does Javon like me
Javon:because you just are different and your not like other people i've met
You:in a good or bad way
Javon:a good way Bailey okay i like you because of who you okay don't over think that
Javon:no hey bays i just want you to know that i'm falling in love with you and i don't want you to change okay
You hug him tight
Javon:what do you want to do bays
You:why do you call me that
Javon:i don't know i saw you blush when i said it the first time
You:shh no you didn't
He laughs a little
You:your laugh is cute
Javon:your so cute
You:we should watch a show

you guys watch tv till you guys fall asleep

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