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I sat waiting.


And waiting.

To meet my brother, Dillon, for the first time in a year.

Dillon? You know Dillon? Dillon Francis? The famous EDM DJ? Yeah, he's my brother.

How he got famous? Well, I helped him. I was the one who first heard all his tracks, and helped him edit all his stuff, and encouraged him when times got tough.

I'm his twin. Well, triplet. Though non-identical.

Our sister, Casey, sat staring at the clock waiting. She was dressed like she was everyday: grey suit with a white blouse and black heels. Her long brown and dip-dyed-blonde hair was out. Her icy blue eyes were waiting in anticipation.

My mother sat in the four person sofa couch, right next to my father, both their eyes the same as Casey's; Waiting. My mother wore a white shirt with a baby pink cardigan, with light brown slacks.
My father wore black slacks, a white dress shirt, and a maroon red knitted jumper.

Me? I wore black sweatpants with rainbow stars, and a loose maroon red t-shirt with the 'Converse All Stars' logo on it in blue and white. My shoes? I wore none. My hair? In a messy high bun.

My family dress up way to much for Dillon.

I bet he's just going to wear jeans and a tee.

I hear a tour bus pull up, and the engine cut.

There was laughter as Dillon got out.

There was a knock at the door.

Casey and I looked at each other and then raced to the door.

I bet Casey.

This is why I don't wear heels.

I flung open the door not to reveal Dillon but a Greek God.

My mouth fell open, agape, and so did his a little.

His long glossy black hair swept in the summer breeze.

His beautiful Amber-like hazel eyes glittered with wonder behind his glasses as they sunk into my deep dark blue eyes.

We started leaning in.

Then Dillon's head popped up.

"Kelsey! Casey! Hey! I've missed you guys!!" Said Dillon, ruining the moment.

"Dill-Dill!!" Shouted Casey, pushing past me to hug Dillon.

They hugged and said a few words, as I woke back up to reality.

"Kelsey, you okay?" Asked Dillon, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just overwhelmed that you finally showed up, lazy ass!" I said grinning as I hit him playfully in the arm.

He faked-winced and pouted.

"There was traffic!" He said.

"Sure, sure." Said Casey and I in unison with smirk on our faces.

We all laughed for a moment, then the Greek God grunted.

"Oh yeah! This is Sonny! He's going to be staying with us for a bit." Said Dillon, gesturing to the Greek God.

He smiled at me, and I returned it whilst outstretching my hand for him t0 shake.

"Hey, I'm Kelse-" I started but was cut off by a pair of soft plush lips crashing down on mine. I was surprised for a second, but started to kiss him back.

Before anything could go any further, he pulled away and shook my still outstretched hand.

"Hi, I'm Sonny." He said with a devilish smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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