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I walked through the grassy fields while following the map Rengoku kindly lent me. "Lemme see so I'm supposed to follow the path until it splits and take the right one, Okay." I put the map in my pocket inhaled and dashed as my haori fluttered in the wind. (btw the haori is Rengoku's haori but with an azure colour scheme)

I slowed down once I saw the bright wisteria trees and walked up the steps. "Konbawa, sureiya shiken o ukeru tame ni koko ni imasu ka (Good evening are you here to take the slayer exam)?"  A black hair girl said. Do they only speak japanese oh well I know japanese so its not big deal. "Hai sodesu (Yes I am)" I said. They led me in and explained the rules then left me for my own

Only a few seconds after venturing in a demon jumped at me, I quickly unsheathed my sword and slashed at its neck sending its head flying off into the sky. Almost directly after two demons jumped at me from the front. "Flame breathing: First Form: Unknowing Fire" I dash forwards decapitating both demons ahead of me causing their bodies to drop limp and their heads to roll on the floor. I kept walking until I heard some voices, I dashed towards them and saw a boy around my age struggling against a demon. "Flame breathing: Third Form: Blazing Universe!" "Serpent Breathing: Second Form: Venom Fangs of The Narrow Head!" As I slashed the demon in half as another boy came from behind it decapitating it. A boy with light skin brown eyes and black hair tied up into a bun (Like season 4 eren) glared at me, he mumbled something and then dashed away, I stayed to help the demon slayer being attacked, I riped off some of my sleeve and tied it around his arm to stop the bleeding and helped him stand up we walked around until we found a group of people trying to finish the exam and they offered to help him. One of them was trying to become a medic of the demon slayer corps so they patched him up while I banded together with a group of 5 people and we ventured off.

While trying to survive we found a group of ten demons, I unsheathed my blade and prepared for an attack. Four demons charged. "Flame Breathing: Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation" "Wind Breathing: Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm" A female voice yelled and eliminated the group of demons, the girl turned he head in my direction as her white hair flowed and she looked at me with her pitch black eyes. "Thank you" I said "No problem" She responded. At least she's not an asshole like the other guy. "You seem to have a big group with you, could I join" She asked "Sure, but I don't think we could keep up with you two, why don't you go with Kleavon" One of the girls in the group said. I looked at her in confusion. I feel like they're plotting something. "Sure" I responded and started walking, the girl who helped us caught up to me "So whats your name" she asked "Kleavon, yours?" I asked "Ikara" She responded "you don't seem Japanese, where are you from" she asked, "uh, long story" I said. We both noticed the two demons ahead of us and unleashed the first forms of our breathings decapitating them both as we continued small talk.

Suddenly we felt an overwhelmingly strong presence as if it was going to flatten us both, I scanned around us seeing no demons, "Above" Ikara said. I looked up to see a demon that seemed quite normal, it seemed like a human with strange tattoos, perched up on a tree. Suddenly it punched the tree, the tree shook from top to bottom and suddenly the ground moved like a wave throwing us off our feet. It punched the tree again, this time the ground beneath us rose as the impact knocked the wind out of me, Ikara, however used the rising ground as a platform to jump off of. "Wind Breathing: Sixth Form: Black Wind Mountain Mist" She sent an uppercut to the demons chin which it easily evaded, Ikara, almost as if she knew it was coming immediately switched he stance to the second form bringing her blade down cutting the demons arms off. Suddenly the tree grew a branch at alarming speeds sending her flying. I regained my stance and caught Ikara and jumped onto the branch the demon was on and started slashing at it, the demons arms transformed into thick branches as it blocked my slashed, I maneuvered to the side of the demon and cut its arm in half then went for a slash to the neck. It did a back bend and struck me with the arm I just cut off. Its regeneration is fast. I switched my stance and unleashed the third form of my breathing cutting off the demons arm, the demon jumped back in an attempt to regain its advantage but I quickly reacted by cutting off its legs, the demon started falling to the floor as Ikara unleashed the fourth form of her breathing cutting the demons body up. I jumped to the ground and prepared my stance "Flame Breathing: Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun" I said while cutting the demons head off. "Congratulations, The strongest demon in the forest has been defeated, all participants are now demon slayers, please return to the start."

After obtaining our own swords and outfits we left to the dorms where we would stay and got settled, I wrote a letter to Rengoku about the exam and gave it to my crow to deliver and went to sleep.

A/N: Over 950 words, thats a record, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as it was mainly action, we met two main characters but I'm not gonna tell you their names but you can probably guess.

Anyways we are close to meeting some of the hashiras and some possible, maybe, quite unlikely but possible... Ahem lemon content which will be weird for me to write but for context in the story ill but it there, also I just want to apologise in advance if I made Ikara slightly stereotypical cuz I don't have many females to reference to, (That sounds weird its not supposed to, I'm not that kind of person, I'm not a perv don't hate me), I think I like Ikara better than Kleavon which is bad, anyways you might meet a few characters you recognise next chapter. Once again, Thank you for Reading, Look out for the Next Chapter, Peace. 

(Oh and also if you don't know what the moves look like go to the demon slayer wiki, just look up breathing styles a click on the first link it'll show you all the canon breathing styles)

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