DR PHILZ runs to the petrol station boots hammond hands and goes into staff only room. boots quickly take off his boots. And dr phil starts stripping. "you come give me Sex do you understand"says fr phil i- says boys.
"your next words better be yes sir or have you forgotten " boots gets on his knees"
. "yes sir"
Boots gives dr phil doggy styles moans coming in and out of Noth there mouth all of a sudden. captain crunch comes rushing in through the door with map. "I THOGUHT I TRUSTED YOU BOOTS AND YET YOUR MAKING LOVE TO SOME NO GOOD LOW LIFE HIPPIE WITH A PEDO MUSTACHE" map screams captain crunch Starts to rip Boots out of doctor phil. doctor phil. suddenly grows 9 feet tall. "YOU LET MY SMEXY BUBBY BOOTS ALONE"he screams map pulls out a light saber. they fight. boots and captain crush stair into eachothers eyes. they kiss. Map starts making love to 9foot talk doctor phil, captain crunch and boots Join them.