Making The Most Of It (1)

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"So I'm the Master of Death, I've been basically mind controlled my whole life, I replaced the Harry Potter here as soon as I popped in on his 11th birthday, and I own half the Hogwarts castle?" The newly named Hadrian Peverell, once Harry Potter, repeated. He rubbed a hand down his face as he sat in the Gringotts office of his Potter vault goblin. It was quiet for a while between the two because the goblin honestly didn't know how to respond to the newly back in time wizard before him.

"Do you think I'd be able to convince Hogwarts to let me live there? We used to have great conversations about the students, and I miss her." The 24 year old sighed, leaning back in his chair across the desk from the goblin.

"I, uh, don't see why not? You own half of it, and the current headmaster isn't an heir, so you have more control than he does." The goblin nervously responded, twining his fingers together from habit.

"Great. I'll let you back to work. Keep Dumbledore out of my vaults, would you?" Hadrian ordered as he pushed himself out of the chair, waving a hand at the goblin as he walked to the door.

"Oh, and may your gold ever flow, kind goblin." Harry said before leaving the room, barely hearing the response of the goblin as he walked out. He already knew his enemies would fall at his feet.

With a simple point-me spell, he walked out of Gringotts with a grim expression. He gave a fed up sigh and went to find some friends. Animal friends.


"Hello, sir. Do you happen to have any snow owls? Ones with smart attitudes and yellow eyes?" Hadrian asked simply, rocking a little on his heels. Hedwig was his priority right now. He has the chance, so he's taking it.

"Um. Yeah, we do. Only one." The man gave Harry a strange look as he went and retrieved the snowy owl, bringing the caged creature back to the counter for the new wizard.

"Ah! There she is! I knew you were here." Hadrian grinned at Hedwig, tucking a finger through the cage bars and petting a bit of her fluff. She clipped his finger gently with her beak and nuzzled her head against it.

"Aw, I knew you'd recognize me. It's been a while, hasn't it darling?" Harry cooed at his owl, carefully taking her out of the cage and dropping 5 galleons on the counter for the shop keep. Hedwig happily perched herself on the broad shoulders of the wizard she vaguely recognizes. It's the magic that twines itself with her own that makes her know something is special about their bond.

"Sir, this is a little too much for an owl." The shopkeep said carefully, a little confused with the whole situation.

"Hedwig is absolutely priceless, and I'd pay my whole vault just to have her." Hadrian glared at the other wizard, running a soothing knuckle up and down Hedwig's body. Then he proceeded to leave the shop with his darling owl on his shoulder.

"Now, my beautiful Hedwig, I'm going to get another companion before we go home, alright? I hope you don't get too jealous. I'll fly and hunt with you to make up for it." Hadrian said to his owl, who responded with a gentle nip of his ear.

"Ah, I see. I'd still be glad to fly with you some days." Harry responded, walking into the Diagon pet shop.

"Sir, I'd ask that you leave your owl outside. We don't want her to eat anything." The shop keep of the pet store worriedly said.

"Oh, don't worry. Hedwig is a very good girl. Isn't that right, beautiful?" Hadrian grinned, petting his favorite owl once more. She screeched in response, preening at his touch.

"Also, do you have any snakes? Preferably magical ones, but any will do." Harry asked, turning his grin towards the shopkeep.

"We do. They're not often taken as companions since the end of the war." Responded the shop keep, leading Hadrian to a back section of the shop.

"I know. It's honestly terrible. They're such adorable things. How can anyone resist their faces?" Harry cooed, petting his owl once more. The keep nervously smiled at the other wizard before stopping in front of a row of glass tanks.

"Here... Here we are." The keep backed away a little, scared of the snakes. Hadrian just grinned.

"Hello there, my scaley friends! My name is Hadrian, and I intend to bring one of you home. Who would like to come?" He hissed out, crouching a little to look inside the tanks.

"Oh my sun, a speaker!" Hissed one of the closest snakes who was a yellowish green snake.

"Really?! He wants to take one of us! Pick me!" Hissed an onyx snake to the side of the yellowish green.

"Me! Me! Everyone is so scared when they pass!" Hissed a more brownish toned snake. He was below the yellowish green.

A white snake only seemed to narrow his eyes at Hadrian, tasting the air around him.

"What about you? What do you think?" Harry asked the white one, still grinning like a madman. He kinda was a madman.

"I think you're going to pick me regardless of what any of us say. You have a glint in your eyes." The white one responded, resigned to his fate but not hating it.

"Sad to say that you're correct. I was looking for a companion with an attitude like you. For the rest of you, I'll see about trying to make a snake rescue. Then I can come and collect you all and you can live happily in a big open space for you and your kin." Hadrian responded, standing and opening the tank of the white snake. The other snakes cheered at his idea and forgave him for only taking one of them.
The opening of the tank startled the shopkeep out of his scared shock.

"S-sir! That snake is poisonous! Don't put your hand in the tank!" The keep worriedly exclaimed, although he was terrified of the snake speaker. Harry laughed and stuck his arm in the tank, palm up and open so the arm length white snake could wind up his arm.

"I'm going to call you Riddle. Is that fine by you?" Hadrian asked the snake as he pressed 5 galleons, 3 too many, into the palm of the terrified shopkeep. Then he left with his snake and owl.

"I didn't have a name to begin with, and I doubt I have a choice in the matter." Responded the newly named Riddle the white snake. Harry laughed again and headed towards the apparition point.

"Hold on tightly and hold your breaths. This is going to feel very weird for you." Hadrian said, giving them a second before he pulled them through the magic of apparition, which felt like being pulled through a straw from your center of mass.


A/N: 1175 words. Here we go again, lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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