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Pack roles:


Alpha and Alpha Female: (Both Taken)

The Alphas make decisions, lead the members, create battle plans, and decide who gets what role in the pack, etc...

Athena: (1, Not Taken)

The Athena assists in planning battles, aids the alphas in everything they do, and freely gives any useful knowledge that she may have gathered over the years. If any sort of event happens; she knows. If the Alphas need help; she's there.

Gamma: (1 left; one male)

The Gamma is promoted by the Alpha Male and Female. You cannot choose to be a Gamma.

Luna: (Taken)

Beta: (Taken)

Head Warrior: (Taken)

Warriors: (Unlimited)

They fight to and do the night watch to protect their pack from enemies and intruders.

Pups: (Unlimited)

They are the youngsters of the group. They practice with their Trainers to achieve their goals. They can also be adopted by mated couples.

Head party planner: (1, not taken)

Uses the party ideas to decide what event to plan for. They must also decide upon the dates.

Party planner(s): (unlimited)

Assists the Head party planner...

Trainer(s): (Unlimited)

They train the pups to be successful and responsible wolves. I'd suggest looking into this role if you enjoy young ones.

Omega(s) (Peace-Makers): (Unlimited)

They're the happiest of everyone! They go around making people laugh and they make peace between packs.

Elders: (Unlimited)

They're the wisest of the group apart from the Alphas. They assist the Alphas in making important decisions; if they should start a battle, or move to another territory.

Head Hunter: (Taken)

Hunters: (Unlimited)

They hunt food for the pack. Offen the Hunters work with the Warriors when it comes to battles. They are very skilled in what they do.

Healers: (Unlimited)

They heal pack members wounds after they had been enjured from battle, or have fallen ill to sickness. They are very useful in time of battle.

Rouge: (Unlimted)

They often don't take orders from the Alphas but still respect them. Pack members respect them.


Power-wolf: (unlimited) They train wolves to control their powers, and they show other pack members how to improve their skills. Anyone can be trained by these wolves.

Head Cooks: (1Taken, 1 not Taken)

Controls the kitchen, prepairs the dinner, and sends the hunters to go get food for the pack...

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