Act. 5

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Calli was streaming and she was about the end the stream before reading a few superchats. But suddenly her screen went black as for every viewer and chat confused what was happening.

°What is going on?
°Calli are you okay???
°Did Dad lose power?

When from the darkness flew down a person with a top hat and wings. He approached the screen and stood there from the background could be heard Calli confusion. "What the fuck is going on?" when a outline of a animal came to the man and handed him a bag.

"Well well well look at all these simp money, this should buy me a few bottles of whiskey" the creature growled in response "And a few treats" The creature growled again.

°Who are you?
°Nooo my life savings!
°How dare you steal from our Dad!

"Your wondering who I am? Well if you wanna know you might wanna click on this link, seeya there simps" the man said picking up the creature and flying off. The screen turned back to Calli.

°Dad what happened?!
°I'm scared
°He sounded hot..

"Well that was certainly interesting, you should go to the link and found out what's happening. I'm gonna end the stream now" she said saying her goodbyes to chat and ended the stream.

"Did Y/N think of that? I didn't expect him to choose my stream" Calli knew that Y/N's debut would be announced through someone else's stream but didn't know whose stream or when. She decided to check out her new fellow genmates stream. When she clicked on the stream there was little chibi red panda carrying a bag of money running.

"Heh cute" she said under her nose. The screen turned black and than a voice came from the dark abbys "Welcome my comrades and partners in crime" and the as the black screen faded away it revealed.

"Welcome to my office"

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"Welcome to my office"

Y/N said as the Jazz music kicked in and a faint sound of fireplace could be heard in the background

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Y/N said as the Jazz music kicked in and a faint sound of fireplace could be heard in the background.

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