𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Everything being talked about for the last few days in school and in the dojo had been one thing, prom. Prom this. Prom that. It was the talk of every East high student. It was kinda getting on y/n's nerves. She hadn't been asked nor had she even thought about going, she didn't have a dress or heels. She had nothing, her mind was on the tournament.

y/n had to endure Tory and Mattheo talking about prom, the only reason they were was to irritate the Eagle fangs and Miyagi-Dos. But deep down, the both of them liked one another and just didn't say anything about it.

"So don't be late or else we're leaving. 'Cause my date and I'm are on a mission," Kyler told everyone loudly, Piper rolled her eyes at him.
Robby had heard quite the chat lately about prom, Tory hadn't shut up about how fun she would have irritating Sam and Miguel. But there was y/n who didn't even say a word about it, she simply listened, did her tying in the dojo and maybe later during the day him and her would talk over phone briefly.

y/n were fixing up her bag, a bit away from the rest as they were discussing prom. Robby watched her with curious eyes as she seemd the least intressted in prom. His curiosity got the better of him as he walked over towards her.

"Hey," He said while standing next to her, y/n looked up at him with a half smile.


"You going?" Robby asked as he wanted to truly know. But y/n only shot him a 'really?' kind if look before letting out a snort as she stood up. Giving Robby questioning eyes.

"Prom? Pff no," y/n shook her head as she looked around at her friends from the dojo, everyone talking about prom. "

"Why not?" Robby crossed his arms.

"Well, to start, I don't have a dress nor a date. Second, can you imagine me on prom around all of these people being all lovely dovey with each other?"

The question made Robby smile and shake his head. y/n smiled softly, her eyes set on Robby adoringly. His smile was something that made her heart flutter, the feeling had been growing stronger lately. It was just something about him, his eyes was like looking into a ocean of blue greenish color. Even though Robby were acting like a tough kinda guy, he was a nice person and was everything but bad.

"All right, class, fall in," Kreese told as he walked in, Terry following in his footsteps close behind. Everyone quickly fell into lines, standing where they usally did. y/n between Tory and Robby, Mattheo beside Tory and Kenny behind Robby.

"Today's lesson is about balance, not the way Miyagi-Do teaches it," Kreese turned to Terry with a stern look. "You're gonna learn to get in the heads of your opponents and throw them off balance. Pair up."

Everyone turned towards someone to pair up, Robby simply turned to y/n and flicked his hand on her arm to motion for them to go together. Facing one another with their fists up, y/n started punch, Robby blocking and when she thrown two punches it was Robby's turn.

"You should go you know, do something else. You're always here doing something," y/n was quiet as she shook her head no.

"He's right you know, you can just come with us," Mattheo told from where he and Tory stood beside them doing the same exercise.

"Just imagine you know who's face when both of us are there," Tory encouraged as she blocked Mattheos punches. Robby nodded along.

"No thank you, I don't even have a dress so I'm good. Besides, would've been better if you were there," y/n told with a quick look into Robby's eyes, talking about him.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐤⇢ 𝘊𝘒, 𝘙𝘰𝘣𝘣𝘺Where stories live. Discover now