𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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Now to say that today was a nerve-racking day was an understatement. Robby had just changed and gotten into his gi along with the others from Cobra Kai, they had been making sure to keep awya from opposite dojos. His mind was coulded with multiple thoughts, but his strongest one was about y/n.

Since he helped her home from the dojo, he started to resent Terry more and more. y/n had been lucky that it was only a about five powerful kicks and not more, had there been more she'd be in a even worse state than she already was. Kreese and Terry gave the Cobra Kai's a few days rest the last week before the tournament.

That week consisted of y/n staying home 'sick' from school and while Kreese would go out during the day Robby would come over. That week, Robby had spent more time with her than ever. He helped her with the pain and ro try and ease it, get her better for competition.

Now, even thought the week had consisted of them kissing, Robby staying over during night and leaving in the morning and so much more. They hadn't even talked about what they were to one another, it was mostly strange on Robbys part. He wasn't used to not being so upfront about something like this.

The other Cobra Kai boys were talking, joking and just waiting desperately to beat the other dojos. They had been holding off from fighting for almost five months, but now they were finally gonna get their strikes on them. Mattheo and Kenny stood with the others as Robby was a bit on the sidelines, fiddling with the (silver/gold) chain in his hand.

His mind traveled to one of the days he had come over a bit later, after y/n had dinner with her grandpa, and he left for going out with Terry. He had been embraced tightly once he was there, y/n was finally feeling better. She'd been taking time to make sure the now faint pain in her hip and side wouldn't affect her kicks, it hurt but she could power through it.

They had spent the day in the comfort of the girls room, Koda along with them. They'd been joking around and watching cheesy romance movies to make fun of them. Somehow, it ended up with Robby laying his head on the girls chest, gently having a arm over her waist as y/n ran hee fingers through his hair. Koda laying on opposite side of Robby and y/ns other hand want to please the dog whom craved attention just as much as the boy on top of her.

The thought just made a faint smile reach Robbys face as he waited for the girls to be done changing. But it was Mattheo gently punching his arm as to grab his attention that made Robby snap out of his own world.

"What?" He asked while closing his fist and hiding the delicate chain in his hand.

"What's been up with you lately man?" Kyler started. "Seems like your head's in the sky or something,"
Some if the other boys nodded their heads in agreement, Robbys eyes darted to Kenny who nodded along with the older once. He rolled his eyes at them.

"You all are delusional as hell," Robby stated when Mattheo sighed.

"So it has nothing to do with the fact that you and y/n kinda.." The brunette trailed off with a raised brow, this making all boys start talking in mouth of one another.

"Damn, you all sound like a bunch of chickens," Tory remarked as her, y/n and Piper walked up to the boys, finally done changing.

The boys went quiet but Mattheo narrowed his eyes at Robby then at y/n who glanced at him confused. A look then being shared between y/n and Robby.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐤⇢ 𝘊𝘒, 𝘙𝘰𝘣𝘣𝘺Where stories live. Discover now