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???: So they want him for his ability?

Hawks: Yes.

???: I should have refused to heal everyone they send over to me from the beginning! How dare they to this little angel.

???: It seems they are getting quite daring.

Hawks: I was hoping you could provde him with some protection.

???: I see.

???: You damn rat better do it or I will leave this job. It is already taking a troll on my nerves anywas.

???: I never said I would refuse. In fact, I find this situation quite intriguing.

Hawks: These damn bastars from the HC!

I could hear some people talking while I woke up and it made me wonder if they were talking about me but of course who else whould they talk to if not me! I mean I was literally the guy that just suddenly popped up out of no where and fell down from the sky! If that isn't the talk of this century then I don't know what is!

Once I was more awake, I sat up and saw that the bed I was in had some curtains around it but I could tell that whoever was talking was standing behind this cutain and one of the people there was for sure the chicken that kinda saved me. I don't know. I heard about heroes from my fellow crewmates but never seen them since I was born up there. The stars and the darkness was my home. I felt at ease too being up in the wastespace filled with stars and wonders.

I stood up and removed the curtens only to be meet with a hug from Hawks. He really seemed to like me and I could feel it. We were destined to be together. A lot of people think that destiny was nothing but a good myth or even just pure fatasy but thanks to my quirk, I knew better. I was connected with the space and time itself. I knew things I shouldn't know. I could see the system and feel it. Everything was connected together and I was just using this connection.

Me: I see... this is how it is....

Chimera: Pardon?

Me: Nothing. Are you a chimera?

Chimera: Indeed I am. Impressive not may would link my apperiance to a chimera.

Me: Well I never seen an animal quite like you before. Not that I did see any animal for real myself.

???: I am Recovery Girl but call me Chio. What's your name, dearie?

Me: On the ship everyone called me Solace. As for my name... I am not quite sure. 

RG: How come?

Me: I think I lost part of my memories. I remeber something but not eveything.

RG: Oh my. May I check upon you?

Me: I would appreciate that.

She lead me back to the bed and made me sit down. After that she started to check me up again. I felt a if nothing was wrong with me. My quirk drawback was gone thankfully too and I felt great but there were still bits and pieces missing from my memories. I also knew my name but I didn't trust these people yet. If it was only this red winged chicken then I would have told him so. However there was something about how this chimera was looking at me that made me be cautious. It was as if he was trying to get every piece of information out of me and I couldn't have that.

Chimera: I am Nezu and this is my hero school called UA.

Hawks: I brought you here after you collapsed yesterday just in case you are wondering.

Me: thanks. Must have been the drawbacks since I overused my ability.

RG: You are lucky that you are still alive with these drawbacks!

Me: No. That's normal. Let me introduce myself formally.

After she finished checking, I stood once again up and walked closer to Nezu and Hawks who were looking at me in curiousity.

Me: I am Solace the navigator of the ship Solaris.

Nezu: A navigator?

Me: Yes. I use my teleportation quirk to teleport the ship through out space.

RG: So then what happened?

Me: I don't know.

Hawks: Hmmm..... I don't like this. Nezu you better stick to your words.

Nezu: Of course I will.

Me: If you think about protecting me then don't. No one would be able to even go against me if I decided to use the fullest of my quirk.

Hawks: I saw it! But your drawbacks are too much. Besides you don't know what we are talking about.

RG: He is right dearie! The HC is not someone you want to face alone.

Me: HC?

Nezu: Clever.

RG: What are you talking about?

Nezu: I assume you caught some pieces of the conversation we had?

Me: Can't deny that.

Hawks: Wait what? You were awake?

Me: Barely but yes.

Hawks: Then how much did you caught?

Me: I have my image of the situation now who are the HC?

Nezu: HC is a group of leading people that ensure that the heroes act according to rules and decide everything around heroes.

Me: A bunch of hypocrites if you ask me.

Hawks: Idiots.

Me: You have a connectedn with them?

Hawks: Yes, I am working for them.

Me: You mean being a pawn.

Hawks: Wait! How do you know!

Me: Your body language tells me how much you hate them and there is only one reason I can think of and that would mean they have something against you or more likely they have you under their controll.

Nezu: Even more intruiging. May I get you to work for me.

Me: A later date maybe. I want to know how earth is like and I have the best guide right beside me right!

I looked at Hawks and nuddged him a bit. Thankfully he wasn't completly a chicken and got the idea that I wanted to get out of there.

Hawk: Okay let me show you around Japan. You will like it here.

Me: I am sure of it. Well Nezu, RG, it was nice meeting you guys! See ya around!

Just like that we both basically ran out of the room and I could hear Nezu laugh and RG saysing something ont he line "dear old youth". Well it didn't matter anyways. I wanted to spend some time with this chicken and see what he got. We were connected by fate after all.

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