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I'm not dead. It didn't get me. I know because I'm staring up into the eyes of my best friend Trish. Her baby blues wide and concerned observe me for a few lingering seconds before she glances to her right.

"She's okay."

Who is she talking to? My lids flutter, as I try and get a grasp on the situation.

"Hey, baby cakes." She grins. "You're lucky Mr. Donovan was there to catch your fall. Have you eaten? Taken your iron? You know what happens when your iron gets low."

She rubs her pointers together. "Tsk, tsk."

I lift my head from the crinkly pillow, it's covered in the paper used at most doctors' offices. The room spins, and my neck goes limp.

"Woah there, baby cakes." His tone is mocking.

Even in my state I find it in me to scowl at the sound of his voice. We only just met, but already I can tell he's going to be a thorn in my backside. While most women would gladly enjoy that thought I'm not most women.

"Only Trish can call me baby cakes."

As my blurry eyes become more focused, I zero in on the clock hanging over the doorway.

"My sixth period class." I start to sit up again, but Trish pushes at my chest with her palm.

"And just where do you think you're about to run off to?"

She pulls the stethoscope from her neck, placing the earpieces in then rests the cold piece against my chest. When she's satisfied with what she hears, she checks my pulse on my wrist. Her head bobs as she counts each beat.

"To teach my juniors."

"Negative, Nore. You, my sweets, are heading home. Everything seems okay, but maybe see Dr. Katz tomorrow?"

I shake my head, sitting up all the way, only to feel the urge to lay back. As my body falls backwards strong arms support my weight. His one hand rests on my left shoulder, while the other is against the small of my back. I glare at the hand on my shoulder. My eyes lock on a silver ring with a familiar looking stone inside.

"Is she always this feisty?" He asks Trish.

For a moment she contemplates, her head moving side to side. "That's my Nore. I'm the sunshine to her grumpiness."

His shoulders loosen as he chuckles. It's like he's starting to feel at ease after the tense walk through the hallway.

"A red spinel," I say, nodding towards the ring.

"That's right," he says, as I lift my chin to meet his eyes.

My attention falls back on the ring. The stone is the same as what my grandmother wears around her neck.

"Ignore her, she's probably still loopy from her low iron."

Crossing my arms, I pout like a child. She grins.

"Well, guess I should call grandma."

I uncross my arms. "I can drive myself."

"No. You passed out. You're lucky I didn't call an ambulance. I'm not losing two staff members today. You will get a ride."

"I can take her home."

Our eyes snap up towards him at the same time. I narrow my gaze.

"Excuse me?"

"I don't have a seventh period class. I'll drop you home and be back in time for eighth."

Trish and I sneak another peek at each other. She's grinning but hiding it well under her professional facade. This is probably frowned upon, but I can tell Trish is already planning her maid of honor speech.

Break Me // ONC 2022Where stories live. Discover now