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"The legends of our town are what defines us. It runs through our blood. As kids we are told of these creatures that walk amongst the living at night. Death follows in their wake. Are they Vampires? Zombie's? Another supernatural being? What we do know is that you'll never see one during the day. Unless-"

Brad is reading his essay to the class. It's Friday morning, and it's been a few days since the event took place with Principal Garver. Tonight is the funeral, tomorrow the burial. There's an eerie ambiance surrounding the whole town and I wish I could shake it, but I can't. Sure, there have been random deaths such as his in previous years, but within the last few days the numbers have climbed even higher.

Today, while Brad is spewing out every detail of the folktales, I glance around the room taking attendance. I'm worried about my kids. It's not only older folks dying, but the younger ones are too. My eyes land on Gena Russo's seat, it's empty. My attention immediately goes to Charlie, who isn't even bothered by the disappearance, even after spending the last week carrying her books and acting like the boy she needs.

"And so, this legend says that if you can see them in daylight it's a curse, one that holds the key to ending the death in our town."

I focus back on Brad's words. Cure. Daylight. Ending.

"Mr. Cooper, where did you find that information? I told you, your essay needed to be facts."

He stops reading and turns around to where I am sitting at my desk. The students around us grow quiet.

"But Ms. M, it's true. I read it in a book."

"And what book would that be?" I ask.

For a second, he appears stumped. His eyes roll up like he's thinking. "Uh-"

"If it's not cited in a legitimate source, I'm going to have to-"

"It's an orange book." He spits out. "It's orange, but I can't remember the title. It had the words '' Spinel and curse."

There it was again, the icy feeling. My toes numb like they've been frostbitten even through my solid boot and fluffy kitten socks (don't judge!). The pencil in my hands drops from the tremble and rolls off the desk onto the floor at Brad's sneaker. He bends down, picks it up, and places it over the attendance book.

"Ms. Mcguire, are you okay? You look like you're gonna puke. Please tell me you're not. I might be beefy and tough, but puke in front of me and I'll do it right back at ya!"

I chuckle at his comment, smiling up at him. The waves of nausea are hitting hard, but I won't let him know that, and I'm not going to throw up.

"I'm okay, Mr. Cooper. If you could finish reading that would be great, and please let me know if you find the title of that book."

Brad finishes off and I try to pay attention, but my mind is racing. Thank God I signed my eighth period class to use the library to do some research, I can use that time to do my own. His words have me running through every book I've read on the folklore of our town. I have never read anything about a spinel. Jaimie's ring. My grandmother's necklace that she NEVER takes off. It was the reason behind me getting all bent out of shape over seeing his ring.

The period goes by fast and with ten minutes to go it's time for the last student to present their essay. Clay Michael's pushes up his black square framed glasses and stares off at the class. If anyone looks like they are going to be sick, it's him. He rocks side to side, and his hand shakes the paper as he lifts it to read. As he opens his mouth there's a knock at the door. amber eyes peer inside. He's the last person I wanted to see. Ever since the other day I've grown suspicious that the events started trickling when he arrived.

Break Me // ONC 2022Where stories live. Discover now