Chapter Nine: My New Enemy

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⭐️ Alessia's P.O.V.⭐️

I stepped into the room and Poseidon led me to a corner of the room that wasn't occupied.

"Luckily, there aren't many recruits this time of year, so you can have your own space. Have you ever done any weight training before, though?" He picks up some weights and does a few bicep curls to show off in front of the guys. I rolled my eyes, but not sarcastically.

"Well," I had to think about it. "I have done some workout programs with my brother, being the basketball star he is and all. But that's about it. We used the bench press a bit though." I saw Boomer just lay on the ground next to me. I knelt down to pet him. "Something hasn't been right with him today. He hasn't been acting normal." I saw the worry line Poseidon's face. He put down the weight he had been using and came over. He knelt down, same as me, next to Boomer.

"I can take him over to the Lab to get checked out," he offered.

"Sure, that would be great. I'll get to work here."

Poseidon picked up Boomer in one swift movement, making the dog look light as a feather. His arms flexed with the weight as he carried him out of the room. I watched him until I realized I was just drawing attention. Some of the other people stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"I'd say you had a thing for Poseidon if I didn't know better," one of the guys smirked. He crossed his arms staring me down. I decided to bite my tongue and I just shook my head. I went over to an overhead chest press machine. Let's see if I've still got it. I set the weight capacity at 10 pounds and tested it.

"Look at the wimp over there. She's set herself at 10 pounds." It was the girl that had made Boomer snarl yesterday. The guys started laughing and the girls whispered.

"Well," I retorted, "An experienced person is cautious. You should always check the weight system to make sure it won't be heavier than expected. Depending on the country you're in." The girl just rolled her eyes because she knew I was right. I set the weight at 150 pounds.

"Ooh gettin' brave are ya?" The first guy smirked.

"Something like that." I sat down and got ready to show him up.

"I'll bet you can't even do ten reps with that weight." The group of people started coming close and closer. The guy was the first to make it to me, the rest of the group behind him. They all surrounded me, some of them snickering.

"Wanna bet?" I could feel the fire in my eyes as adrenaline rushed through my veins. I knew I could lift this weight. I bench pressed 140 pounds once with Cameron. Maybe not for very long, but I still got 10 reps in. "I bench pressed 140 pounds one time with my brother. So, how much are you willing to bet?" I could see the disbelief in the guy's eyes.

"She's bluffing," he rolled his eyes and looked away. I didn't say anything. I just settled into position, lifting my arms above my head, lifting my hands to the handles. I gave one mighty push and the bar above my head lifted out of its resting position. Everyone's full attention was on me again. They watched as I gave 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10 reps. The guy's eyes widened in disbelief. But, oh no, I didn't stop there. I gave them 30 more reps to watch me do. My arms started to burn as I was in my thirties. 36, 37, 38, 39--I took a deep breath--and 40. I dropped the bar dramatically, but not enough to break it. I stood up and felt like spitting in the guy's face, but I held my childish self back.

"Wow, we sure underestimated you, Barbie. And I thought all you could do was look pretty." He smirked at me as he advanced towards me. Well, that's insulting. I've always hated when people told me I would be such a heartbreaker and that I was prettier than I was smart. I started backing up a little trying not to look scared of him. The group seemed to be closing in on me.

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