Chapter Two: My Mistake

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    I woke up the next morning feeling fresh and vibrant. I felt ready to conquer the day! Or so I felt anyway. Then I suddenly remembered why I'm so upbeat; Dad is home! I glance at the clock; it's eight o'clock so I hopped out of bed. Mmmhmmm, I smell bacon. Mom had already gotten up and cooked breakfast, so I raced downstairs with Boomer at my heels. Mom was just setting the table.

"Oh, good. Look who finally woke up to help me," she smiled at me. "The food is sitting on the stove. Can you go grab it for me?"

"Of course." I walked into the kitchen to find a fry pan full of scrambled eggs, a plate of bacon, and some of mom's homemade biscuits. I brought the eggs and bacon out and set them on the table.

"I'm going to go get your father. He's watching the news in the other room. No surprise there." Mom mouthed the last part as she started walking towards the living room. We gave each other our knowing glances. We didn't exactly get why my father had such an addiction to happening things around the world (especially since he's not old yet) and why he seemed to always be so troubled and deep in thought while watching, but I guess maybe he could be a little sensitive to such things? Always a mystery to me.

"Your brother will quit shooting hoops as soon as he smells bacon." Mom continued to say.

"As long as it's not gone before he gets in here," I smiled to myself as I walked back into the kitchen to retrieve the biscuits. I grabbed the biscuits and on the way back to the table I took a detour to go to the fridge to grab the orange juice. I put the rest of the stuff on the table as I saw Mom and Dad walking back into the dining room. Sure enough, I heard a door slam and a sweaty teenager walked through the door.

"Cameron, go wash up please, it's time to eat," Mother said as she started sitting down. We all sat down and Cameron came along a few minutes later. We started passing all the food in a circle. Soon, we had our plates full and started eating.

"So," I said after swallowing my bite of egg. "What are we going to be doing today, any plans?"

"Uh, well, not really," Dad said around a bite of biscuit. "Your Mother and I were hoping to go out to dinner tonight, though, if that's alright with you guys?"

"Yeah, sure," I started buttering my biscuit and Cameron nodded his approval. Do I dare ask when he's home? I never ask my dad to leave the house alone, especially to go surfing. That's why only do it when he's gone. "Um, Dad? Would you mind if I went to the beach today, to go surfing?"

"I wouldn't mind as long as you bring Boomer with you." I thought so.

"But, he would have to stay on shore while I surf because he obviously can't. Sooo, what would be the point of bringing him?"

"Sia, all I want to do is make sure you are safe at all times. This is turning into a very scary world that we live in now. Bad things happen. And there are people out there that like to hurt other people. And I don't want those 'other people' to be you." He put down his biscuit to look at me.

"Yeah, I get that, but why be so protective all of a sudden?" I let my frustration with my dad's lack of communication fully surface. "You were never this way 'til last year! Like why do you have to be so protective of me? I never hardly get out unless it's with some family member, I never get out to see the world so I don't find it scary. Maybe if you wanted me to see it that way you should let me get a taste of it first! Is this all something to do with your stupid job?" Dad drew in a long breath, but I didn't care.

"And why do I hardly know anything about your job? It's like I hardly know you anymore! We used to tell each other EVERYTHING, but now you're like a complete and total stranger! Is it all some kind of secret? Or are you ashamed of it, is that it?" I found myself, just about yelling now, basically spitting the words in his face.

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