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Boop-a-doop! Hey guys, first fanfic that imma try to publish, and on my favorite FNaF AU, too!
I'm kinda making this up as I go along, so sorry if any chapters seem rushed or shitty or not well explained... Oh, and there's swearing too, whoops.
Let's see here... Oh, right! Cast! For those of you who don't know this AU, check up Rebornica for a good depiction of them all! So we have:
Gargoyle Mike
Satyr Jeremy
Fairy Fritz
Messenger Scott
Naga Vincent
And that's the main cast! Story may include minor characters, OCs, or whatever, but this story's main focus will be these five little buggers, so don't worry about stupid Mary Sues or anything.
Will eventually contain Jeremike(Mike x Jeremy) and PGxPG(Vincent x Scott). Why? Because I love those ships and feel like putting them in here, that's why!
So I think that's all I need to cover... so enjoy~!

FNaF Mythology AUWhere stories live. Discover now