Chapter 7- More Questions+Less Explanations=Confused Audience

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((... So. I hit 2K views today. That plus the love I got after posting my last chapter yesterday... I literally dropped everything( after taking 3 tests and a quiz whoops) to getting this chapter in today~
So thank you everybody so much for the love and support so far! Sorry if this chapter seems rushed, I really wanted to get this in today... and I'm still not sure where I'm going with this plot, I've been taking it one chapter at a time this whole time... so whoops! Enjoy~!))

Vincent's POV

I've seen some crazy stuff in my life, but I think this takes the cake. ... I should probably start explaining.
Everyone knows magic exists. That's, like, common sense. Magic was really popular many years ago, centuries, maybe even millennia! As the years passed, magic slowly began to vanish from creatures of the world. I don't remember why, I'm just relaying the legend here, but it got to the point that most mortal creatures weren't able to wield magic anymore.
The gods noticed this and created an alternative method for wielding magic: they created magical artifacts. Some object, when held by the right creature, granted the user whatever magical ability came with the artifact.
A popular artifact that I've seen in many legends? Amulets. Like this one Scott had in his bag the whole time.
"Where did you get this." I asked him... although it wasn't much of a question.
He looked up at me- no wait, not me, the amulet- and didn't even reply, he just stared at it with wide eyes. Does he even know what it does? He just kept staring at it, awestruck and fascinated. "... C-Can I... see that... f-for a second?" He stammered quietly. ... Really out of character for him.
Then again, I guess I'm really out of character at the moment too. I hesitated, but eventually tossed it to him, figuring there's nothing he could even do with it. He's human, after all.
Scott caught the necklace and held it carefully, keeping his attention on that and that alone. Wow rude, I'm here too.
The human held it for a few minutes, and nothing happened... until he touched the gem itself. As soon as his fingers came in contact with the gem, it began glowing a bright red color, catching both of us off guard. What the hell?! How was he able to-?!
Once the light died down we were both speechless. I was in shock(for obvious reasons), while Scott looked confused and... nearly panicking, actually. He looked up at me and stared with wide eyes for a moment before undoing the bandages that I put around his leg. Once he got them off I realized his leg had... somehow fully healed. I might not know much about humans, but I know they don't heal that quickly. Not naturally, at least. Scott must have somehow activated the healing magic inside of that artifact... wait, what?!
"That... That makesss no sssense! How were you able to do that?!" I asked... more like yelled.
He yelled back "I-I don't know! I just touched it and then... and then fwoosh, a-and then my leg stopped hurting, and..." He trailed off, looking back at the amulet "This thing must be magical or something!"
"Of courssse it's magical! What I want to know isss how you were able to wield it! Humansss can't wield magic!" I'm not kidding, by the way. Back to that legend from earlier, for some reason magical artifacts don't work with humans, I forget why... Probably because they're all selfish jerks... except Scott. He's cute. But still human. Most humans would probably use magic to, I don't know, destroy the world or something. Wouldn't surprise me.
I moved a bit closer to him, at this point I was purely curious and suspicious. "You are human, aren't you?"
Scott looked at me like I was crazy, defensively pulling his hood closer to his head "O-Of course I'm human! What else would I be?!"
"I don't know! All I know isss you ssshouldn't be able to wield magic, but sssssomehow you can!!!" I sighed heavily, scratching my head in thought. "... Wait here. I'll be back in a few minutesss." I said, much calmer than before.
"Wait, what? No, where are you going?!"
"Oh, calm your shit, Ssscott. I need to get sssomething deeper in the cave. Jussst wait here for a minute, okay cutie?"
"I-... Wait what did you just call me."
I smirked before slithering off. Hahaha~

Scott's POV

Did he really just... Oh my gods, he did.
The nerve of that naga.
... That naga that just... left me alone with a healed leg and nothing guarding the exit...
I grinned, taking the opportunity to grab that necklace and promptly ran for the exit to the cave. I left my bag behind, I don't necessarily need it, I have the important thing right now and I'm not risking any extra weight!
Yeah no, still not trusting that naga! Still tried to eat me before, mind you!
I found the exit, running out into the rest of the forest. It was still dark, but I had some light from the rising sun.
After maybe an hour or so of wandering by myself, I stopped to rest in a clearing with a river to my right. Hooray, water! Yes, for once, things aren't going horribly wrong for me!
... I think I spoke too soon. Crap. There was a faint rustling of bushes nearby, quickly claiming my attention "... Hello hello...?"

Mike's POV

Well, turns out Fritz is an idiot(surprise surprise), because Jeremy doesn't know a thing about tracking. I mean, come on, he's a satyr, not a wolf!
Fritz should be praising me for agreeing to come along. Turns out this human had an injury and left a nice trail of blood, so it was a simple "follow that to our target" kind of thing. The blood trail kinda faded off at some point... but then I picked up the scent of human. How do I know what humans smell like? Let's say I've had a bad run-in with a few of them before. There's a reason why everyone hates humans.
It wasn't long before I closed in on the scent, snooping through some bushes and- oh, okay, there it is. That was easy...
"... Hello hello...?" I heard it ask as it looked in my direction.
Hello hello? How has this thing lasted this long? Before it could try to run or do something like that, I jumped out of my little hiding spot and pinned it to the ground right then and there.
A few seconds later, Jeremy and Fritz caught up "... I caught it." I said simply while the human began struggling fearfully underneath my grip.
"Congrats Mike, would you like an award?" Fritz replied like the smartass he thinks he is. I scowled, which made him swallow nervously before he flew over to the human "... Hey Scott, long time no see! How are ya?"
"... I'd be better if you explained what the hell's going on and why there's a gargoyle on top of me..." The human finally responded.
Fritz looked over to me "Don't worry Mike, it's cool, he won't bite."
I rolled my eyes before getting off of it, walking over to Jeremy.

Scott's POV

Well, good to know my life isn't in danger at the moment...
"So..." Fritz started, looking back at me... then to my necklace "I see you went jewelry shopping when you ditched me."
I rolled my eyes. That damn fairy. "I didn't do any shopping, and I didn't ditch you! I'll explain in a sec, but first..." I motioned to the other two creatures "Any reason why I'm on your 'Wanted' list?!"
Fritz waved a hand dismissively "Don't worry, I just got a few friends to help track you down, no biggie!"
I huffed in annoyance "Thanks for the concern and all, but why am I that important to everyone?! Just because I'm a human who didn't fall victim to the curse and can apparently wield magic-"
"W-Wait," The satyr stepped towards me "... Y-You can work m-magic?"
... I probably should've explained my end of the story first. "Well... yeah, I think so. Let me explain," I turned back to Fritz "So remember that naga that tried to kill us yesterday? Well, funny story, turns out he-"
"GODS DAMMIT SSSCOTT!" We all jumped at the voice, and I turned around quickly to find- of course. Vincent. If Fritz found me, so would Mr. Snake. Lovely.
Fritz and the other two creatures were sorta frozen in fear(this was a naga, after all!), but Vincent just slithered up to me and wrapped his tail around my waist, pulling me close to him so I wouldn't be able to escape. "I leave for five minutesss and you go and fucking dissssappear on me! What the hell?!"
"Hey man, the feeling's relatable." Fritz commented, glaring at me as if any of this was my fault. "So, uh, Scott... care to explain wHY YOU'VE BEFRIENDED A NAGA?!"
I raised my hands defensively "Hey! Befriended is not the word I would use here! He kidnapped me!"
"Wow rude guysss I'm right here you know." Vincent commented, holding me closer to his cold body.
"... So," I began, trying to keep my cool. "What I would like to know is why everyone is after me, since everyone hates humans!"
"Th-That's because y-you're not really human!" The satyr yelled, which caught us off guard, since he's been the quietest the whole time... that and what he just said.
... H-How did he know?!

((... Aaaaaaaand I'll leave it on a cliffhanger, muahahaha~))

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