Part 2

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(Here have a Lucy. Lucy heartfilia from fairy tail. Got it from google. Also, Enjoy some music from  Annapantsu, she is a great singer and is super cool.)

"Ahh so that's why you looked so familiar," says Zalgo. "Hmm, oh right, I forgot about our little talk," Luna says, turning to Zalgo. "I found out your name~," Says Luna. "Of course, you're gonna brag about it," Asher says under his breath, but of course, Luna heard it. Luna smacks Asher on his head. "Oww, why?!," says Asher. "I heard that little comment," Luna says while scowling. "What comment," Asher says, innocently. "I heard that comment too," Zalgo chimes in from the couch. "See Zalgo here, heard it," Luna says while walking to the couch. "Scoot over," Luna says, pushing Zalgo making him move over. Making everyone but Zalgo, Asher, Rose, and Zach surprised.

"You can't just push the boss," says a random member. I can and I did," Luna says from the couch. "Boss, you're just gonna let her do that?!," says the member. "Yeah this is her house after all," says Zalgo, staring at the member. The member shivers and then says, "you're right, Boss we are guests." "Woah! Teach me your ways," Luna says, grabbing Zalgo's arm. "I will if you stop trying to break my arm." "Sorry! I guess I don't know my strength," says Luna, blushing. "Wow, my sister is flustered. Never thought I would see the day," says Asher. "Shut up, wait where are the twins?" says Luna, looking around for Rose and Zach. "First of all, don't call us "The twins" second, we are right here," both Zach and Rose said at the same time. "Uh..stop copying me, no stop!" Rose and Zach said at the same time again.

"STOP-," Rose and Zach were interrupted by Luna and Asher laughing. "Hahahahah" "What's so funny huh," Rose said. "You....and....Zach....are....," says Asher, while Luna has just fallen off the couch. "Luna, you good?" says Rose. "I think she died," says Zalgo, looking at Luna. "Sis. Get up," says Asher, shaking Luna. "Can't...I'm...dead," says Luna. "No you aren't," says Asher, poking Luna. "stop poking me," Luna says, sitting up and going back to the couch. "Welcome back, How was being dead," Says Zalgo. "Ahh you know just went home," says Luna, smiling. "Did you hit Hitler for me," says Rose. "Rude," says Luna, getting up.

"So, who wants pizza?" Several I do's were heard throughout the room. "Okay," says Luna going up the stairs to get her phone and wallet; picking up her phone and dialing the pizza place. "Welcome to *random pizza place*, "How can I help you," says the Pizza guy. "Yo Pete, my man," says Luna, walking down the stairs from getting her wallet and phone. "Ayy Luna, my favorite customer, are you getting the usual for you and Rose?" "Yes and no," Luna says sitting down by Zalgo. "Oh?" "I have some guests, so I'm gonna need like 20 pizzas" "4 of them being for you, I assume." "yeah" Luna then hears Pete yell "We need 20 pizzas. 4 of them are gonna be Luna's usual and 1 Rose's usual. Make the rest pepperoni and cheese."

Pete then goes back to talk to Luna. "That will be $125, my friend," says Pete. "I know, I have ordered here for the past 5 years," Luna says. Pete chuckles and then says, "I'll deliver the pizza so that I can make sure that no one misses anything. Don't forget the breadsticks. Luna will cry if she doesn't have them. I got to go. See ya when I get there," and to that Pete hangs up. "What?" says Luna, looking at Zalgo who raised an eyebrow. "You cry when you don't get breadsticks?" said Zalgo, amused. "No...," says Luna, obviously lying, "She does. I walked in on her crying on the floor saying that she didn't get her breadsticks when I asked her what was wrong," says Rose, smiling. "Hey! Don't call me out," says Luna, frowning.

"Sorry not sorry," says Rose. "You will be when you wake up with makeup on in the morning and in a pool," says Luna, threateningly. "*Gasp*. You wouldn't." "I would." "What's wrong with makeup," says Zalgo, confused. "Makeup *shudders* is the most terrible thing to ever be put on me," says Rose, cringing before Zalgo can say more the doorbell rang. Luna picks up her wallet and goes to the door. "Luna, open up. Yes, I have breadsticks before you ask," Pete says from outside the door. Luna opens up the door and you can see the stars in her eyes. "Breadsticks," Luna says, holding out her hands. "Heh, Here ya go luna. I gave you double breadsticks," Pete says, handing them over. "Marry me, Pete," Luna says, not hearing the growl from behind her (selective hearing am I right.) and putting them on the counter beside her.

"Uh, no thanks. I got a girl back home," Pete says, handing Luna the pizza. "You think you can carry that," says Zalgo behind her. "I've carried more heavy stuff, *cough* Rose *cough*, this is nothing. Pick up my breadsticks for me. Please," says Luna, walking away from Zalgo, while he picks up the breadsticks and follows her to the couch. Luna puts the pizzas down and then grapes 4 pizzas which, conveniently, have her name on them. "You gonna eat all that?" the random member questions. "Yes. Got a problem," says Luna, reaching for the breadsticks that Zalgo has in his hands. "Here ya go," says Zalgo handing the breadsticks to her. "Yay. Your officially favorite person" says Luna, handing Zalgo half of a breadstick. "You want me to have this," says Zalgo, taking it. "Yes" "Woah, Luna never gives anyone her food," says Rose, Zach, and Asher at the same time. "That was Scary..," whispers Luna to Zalgo. "Tell me about it," Zalgo whispers back.

Luna and Zalgo then look at each other than at Asher, Zach, and Rose then at each other again. "So are yall gonna eat your pizzas or not," says Luna opening one of her pizza boxes. They get their pizza. "Is that Hawaiian pizza," the random member questions. (Hawaiian pizza if pineapple and ham on a pizza, for those that don't know. I like Hawaiian pizza so no hate okay? I already know that some people are gonna go "Ewww Pineapple on pizza. Gross" I get some people like different things so not hate okay. Just respect the things they like and they will respect yours back...probably but who am I to judge.)

(I dedicated a whole part to pizza. Guess that shows how much I love pizza. Also don't really have a whole uploading schedule. So be patient, please. I know that's it's hard to be patient, called myself out, but you got to. Don't bug writers about when they are gonna publish more, okay? Anyway until next time. -Soul)

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