Saved by the Bell

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Ik American schools study Spanish but my French teacher wants us to review so we're gonna pretend that they're learning French

Italics = Italian

Third Person POV

Peter Stark was currently sitting in his Grade Nine French class, staring at the clock. It was his last period of the day and he was dying of boredom. He tapped his fingers on his desk to the Star Wars theme music; time passed slower than Steve trying to make an Instagram post.

"Monsieur Parker?" Peter's teacher, Madame Matas, asked.

"Oui?" Peter replied, snapping out of his trance as he sat up.

"Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?" Madame Matas questioned. When Peter hesitated, she asked the question again.

"Aujourd'hui c'est mercredi, neuf février, deux-mille-vingt-deux." Peter answered after a few seconds.

"Bein, Peter. Next time pay attention." Madame Matas said to him. She turned to the white board, "Now, can anyone tell me what we have been learning for the past two weeks?" she asked the class

A few hands went up in the air, "Oui, Mademoiselle Brant?"

"We've been reviewing the conjugated forms of er, re and ir regular verbs." Betty answered

"Oui! Good, now can anyone give me an example?" Madame asked

She decided to ask MJ who was quietly reading her book, The Song of Achilles.

"Mademoiselle Jones?"

MJ looked up and stared at Madame Matas. "Yes?"

"Can you give me an example?"

"An example? Of course.." MJ trailed off

"An example of a conjugated ir, er or re verb." Madame Matas said, MJ had always been one of her favourite students. If it had been Peter, he probably would have gotten his book taken away and a detention.

"Finir. Je finis, tu finis, il finit, elle finit, nous finissons, vous finissez, ils finissent, elles finissent." MJ answered, confidently.

"Bravo! Please put your book away, Mademoiselle Jones." Madame Matas said as MJ nodded and placed her book in her bag. 

"Un autre volontaire?"

More hands went up and Ned got picked. "Monsieur Leeds?"

"Danser. Je danse, tu danses, il danse, elle danse, nous dansons, vous dansez, ils dansent, elles dansent." Ned answered

"Bien fait, Monsieur Leeds! Un autre volontaire?"

Flash's hand shot up and Madame picked him.

"Attendre. J'attends, tu attends, il attend, elle attend, nous attendez, vous attendons, ils attends, elles attends." Flash answered as he smirked

"Not quite. Can anyone help Monsieur Thompson? Monsieur Parker, what about you?" Madame Matas asked

"Um, vous attendez, nous attendons, elles attendent, ils attendent." Peter answered

"Qui, très bien Monsieur Parker! Monsieur Thompson, I believe you need to practice more. It doesn't matter if you're the first one to answer if you're incorrect." Madame said to the class as she wrote down all the conjugations of the verbs.

"Now, I would like three volunteers to come up and write three sentences using the ir, er and re verbs. So, Mademoiselle Avril,  Monsieur Murphy et Monsieur O'Reilly, can you all please come to the boa-" Madam Matas was interrupted by Buzz Lightyear saying 'To infinity and beyond!"

Peter's eyes widened and he hastily silenced his phone and threw it into his bag and buried it beneath his books. He could still hear it vibrating. "Monsieur Parker, please answer it on speaker."

Peter answered the phone call, knowing it was going to go terribly. He took a deep breath and then put it on speaker.

"Petey! What's up?" A girl's voice came through

"Oh god, sorella." Peter jumped at the loud voice, mentally asking why his ten year old sister was calling him.

"Fratello? You there?" the girl's voice asked

"Yes, yeah I'm here. What's up Morgan?" Peter asked, silently praying that this would go well and no one would find out he was a Stark or that he was Spiderman.
"Peter has a sister?... I thought he was an orphan....." someone mumbled

Tony had agreed that Peter could go to school if he went under the fake name Peter Benjamin Parker instead of Peter Benjamin Stark. He had a cover story of living with his aunt after his uncle and parents died.  The only two people who knew was MJ and Ned.

"When are you coming home? It's absolute chaos here! Thor and Loki are fighting, Dinner Plate Man and Katniss are debating something stupid and Dad somehow managed to set hot chocolate on fire!" The girl, Morgan, exclaimed

"How did he set hot chocolate on fire- you know what, never mind." Peter laughed out

"That's what I'm saying fratello! Anyways, are you swinging home?" The girl, Morgan, asked

"Swinging? I have no idea what you're talking about." Peter let out a nervous laugh, "ButyesIwillbehomesoon." he said very fast

"Swinging, what do you mean 'you don't know'? You're Sp-"

"'You're on speaker!' I'm on speaker! You're right Morgan!" Peter said loudly, drowning out Morgan's voice.

".....Benny, what are you going on about?" Morgan asked

"I'm on speaker right now! Remember, people here don't know that I'm who I am! We can't say anything confidential! I'll already need to come up with a lie for what you just said!" Peter said in rapid Italian, ignoring the odd looks he was getting from his classmates.

"Oh! I didn't know, sorry Peter. I'll call you back later." Morgan replied

"Yep, bye." Peter said as he abruptly

"Sorry, Madame Matas, that was, uh, my cousin! Yeah, that's right my cousin. I'm supposed to go to her house after school today. Her dogs, Loki and Thor sometimes fight and so she was just talking about that. Dinner Plate Man and Katniss are our other two cousins; it's their nicknames." Peter rambled on nervously as MJ smirked and Ned silently laughed.

MJ lifted one of her eyebrows at Peter as she slightly nodded her head. "Surprisingly, nice lie, loser. I'm impressed." She said under her breath.

"Thor and Loki? Katniss and Dinner Plate Man? Couldn't Katniss be Hawkeye and Dinner Plate Man be Captain America? Besides, 'swinging'? Spiderman!" Abe said, trying to figure out what just happened.

"Uh, that's, er, preposterous! Me? Um, what, that's, uh-"

Peter was cut off by the end of the day school bell. He grabbed his binders, shoved them into his bag and raced out of the classroom.

"Okay, no. But for real, what just happened?"

"Saved by the bell."


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this. Ngl, this was a terrible oneshot in my opinion, lmao. I just wanted to practice my French and write a chapter so I was like, let's write a chapter on that!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed regardless

~ Riya

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