Vol. 3, Ch. 6: Closure

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Volume 3 POV: Omo Manaka's POV

If you told me, I would not have believed you the first time I heard that one of my best friends and a first year had brutally fought each other in the middle of third period. It's been three days since then and I was still processing the reality of that day. For a while they were the talk of the school, most of the students seemed to have amused responses rather than concerned ones. No one could walk down the halls without hearing: "Seijo was finally defeated! By a first year too!", or "Someone beat Seijo? About time!", even sometimes I could hear "So what? He cried like a wimp, he deserved it". It all felt... wrong to me. Every time it was brought up, it only made me hang my head lower in embarrassment.

That was my friend they were talking about... never in a million years would I have expected him to do what he did. I could only imagine what that must have felt like for Miyuki, but I would never truly know the terror she felt that day. All I had left in my friend group was Megami and I had no clue what would happen to me if she had disappeared too. I have only known Seijo since the final semester of last year, and he seemed pretty adamant about getting to know me. He was friendly, cheery, and always carrying a smile with the eagerness for a challenge. I couldn't help myself but to enjoy his company. In times of need he was always there, much like Megami. Someone so caring and strong like him only shook me to my core when I learned that he went and did something so malicious like that.

Today started pretty slow, homeroom and first period were uneventful. The science class' lecture ended early and the teacher was happy about the first week of school coming to a close, so he let us get a head start on transitioning classes. I made my way to the gym for PE, changing out of my school uniform and into my gym clothes to start class. I was the first one to exit the locker room, so I was able to get a little more time to sit down and relax which was always nice.

    "Yuto, I gave you three days to explain to me why you let those events play out." Said a voice no one ever heard often. It was the Headmaster's. He was speaking to someone right across the gym from me. I turned my head to look over my shoulder, and saw the Headmaster and Coach Seijo having a discussion. By the tone of Headmaster Sato's voice, I could tell he wasn't very happy, which was an especially unusual sight.

    "My boy was in the hospital getting stitches on his chest and staples in his skull, Sato! I didn't get the opportunity to."

    "Really? If the health of your son was a concern to you, then I would have allowed you to take the rest of the week off so you could care for him. You still came to school all of this week, ran your classes, and neglected to inform me of Erin's health.

"This does not change the fact that you left the Martial Arts Club Room unlocked, left this note in my name on the door of the administration's office, and deceived a first year student into getting attacked by your son." Headmaster Sato would explain, pulling a taped note out of his pocket and handing it to the Coach.

    "What?! What note?! I didn't type that! You have to be shitting me, Sato! I didn't promote my boy to do ANY of this!" Coach Seijo responded, he was clearly at a loss of words, it looked like he was panicking. "That was there since the beginning of the day!"

    "So you DO recognize it?" Sato blankly responded, folding the note and putting it back into his pocket. "If you knew it contained deceitful information, you would have reported it to me immediately."

    "I-I... the administration was closed, wasn't it?! You can't do this to me, Sato! I'm the one that's making sure every kid here excels in their fitness tests! We're the fittest school in the district, you can't let me go!"

    "The front offices are working from home. If Administration was closed then we wouldn't have had school in session. I was still on campus. Unfortunately for you, we prioritize our children's safety over a test score. Now, I wish you a good day, Yuto Seijo. Leave the premises, the police will be waiting for you outside."

    "I-... You bastard! You can't do this to me! I'm the God of Kung Fu! I have multiple black belts in Karate and Taekwondo! I can send you to the moon and back in one kic–" and suddenly, Headmaster Sato threw a lightning quick punch square into Coach Seijo's face to interrupt his monologue, then calmly pulling it back and shaking the blood off of his hand.

" 'Martial Arts Master' my ass." Headmaster Sato would respond, then running a hand through his short fair hair, adjusting his suit, and then turning around and walking away.

I nearly yelped in fear when I saw the Headmaster punched Coach Seijo, but I tried stifling it so I wouldn't be noticed! This only made me feel worse about that day three days ago. Coach Seijo was behind it too? I admit, he kind of intimidated me when I was around him, but I had no idea he too would do something like this! On the contrary, the always-happy Headmaster never scared me before, mainly because I rarely ever saw him! After seeing him calmly break my teacher's nose, I wished that Science class wasn't dismissed earlier!

    Coach- or, now former coach Seijo stood there in utter disbelief, shakily watching the Headmaster leave the gym. Yuto didn't say much more, just holding onto his nose as he walked himself outside. Just like Sato had said, the police were waiting at the doors to arrest him.

    Meanwhile I was just watching in silence. I didn't notice until a moment later that other students were standing at the doorways doing the exact same. What makes it worse though, is that conflicts aren't new to Maguro High. Having been here for a year, fights are talked about quite often in the hallways. You could hear stories of teachers fighting just as easily as students. If you're lucky, you could get to hear the stories of a teacher and a student having a brawl. Who knows what these fights start over, but it's always a topic of amusement by the majority, and I was sure that after this, everyone will be talking about 'the Coach getting one-punched by the Headmaster'... You can never escape violence in Maguro High. Whether you've been in the throes of battle yourself or not, you're prisoner to the violent rumors.

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