Vol. 10, Ch. 21: Tetsu the Intangible

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There four of the figures stood. With it not being fully night out, every member could see clearly what the Barricades looked like. They all stood in tall robes of matte black that hung down to their legs. They all wore specially decorated pins on their chest area, each with specific ones that represented each member.

The one with the most pins out of the four was beginning to calmly walk away from the scene. This certain one did not seem very special to Miyuki and the rebellion members, but Sora knew exactly who that was.

"STRONZOOOO!!! HEY, YOU WANTED THIS! COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT ME, COWARD!" Sora triumphantly taunted from where he stood. Seeing that the decorated figure did not react to his taunt, he then turned to the rest of the group. "This is it. It came earlier than we expected, but I told you guys to always prepare for the unexpected when we meet!"

He then raised his hand and pointed at individual members. "You few, go chase after Stronzo. Be careful with him, he's about as strong as I am. If you guys coordinate like you've been practicing, it won't be an issue for you!" Sora then pointed to another few of the members. "You guys go search for the missing member. There are five barricades, not four!" While a good half went to chase down the one Sora claimed to be Stronzo, Miyuki was grouped in with the search party. This left only Sora to face all three of the remaining Barricades himself.

"I'll hold them off. Stronzo and the missing one are the most important ones!"

What Sora said always went, so the rebels split up under his command. Miyuki moved along with the other four. So many thoughts were running through her mind. A search party? Not only is she bad at looking for things, she is looking for someone who could very well kill her if she wasn't careful!

Within a few moments, the party meant to chase after Stronzo had disappeared down a separate alleyway. The search party did the same, moving to a smaller space that detoured around the three Barricades.

"W-wait, please slow down a bit!" Miyuki stumbled, trying to keep up with the pace that everyone was moving at. The team had their Ki up and ready, but Miyuki was the only one yet to charge her power. With that lack of strength in her strides comparatively, the search party was doomed to leave her.

Thankfully they didn't go far. Two of the members lined up against the wall of the alleyway and looked down the street. One of them looked across the street from behind a trash can. Miyuki on the other hand, was crouching down and had her back placed against the wall. Everyone seemed to be doing something. One had the front view, two had the side views, and one had the behind view. What was she to do? Miyuki anxiously looked around from her crouched position.

"D-does everything seem fine?" she would ask, feeling the need to at least contribute at least something to the group. Problem with her attempt at a question was that everyone else was clearly focused on their tasks, so they failed to be distracted by Miyuki's question. Inevitably, she was left in the quiet once more.

The person watching the front would give her thumbs up. When she gave her thumbs up, the two from the sides would give their thumbs up. No one, however, bothered to check on the two behind them. Instead, they went ahead and moved across the street.

"W-wait! Hey! You guys can't leave without us!" Miyuki shouted at the three. To check on the person behind her, she turned her head over her shoulders, only to shriek in shock.


Her group mate laid dead on the floor with a deep and bloody slash across his chest. What stood above his dead body was one of the three hooded figures from the alleyway.

Miyuki gulped, backing up slowly from this looming figure. All of her training could prepare her physically, but it couldn't prepare her mentally for a life or death situation like what stood before her now. A Barricade. One of those vile... cruel... vicious murderers that took the life of her friends and family in front of her eyes, and then proceeded to burn down her only place she could call 'home', was now standing in front of her... and she was next to go. Her heart was pounding, her eyes were wide, and her body had a sudden coating of goosebumps that chilled down her very spine. She felt the need to let off some of this fear, though truth be told, nothing could cause that sensation to leave her entirely. "H-heeeeeey!"

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