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Jasper, I need your help.

The two men moved in tandem, when Ben moved so did Jasper not even a foot behind Benjamin

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The two men moved in tandem, when Ben moved so did Jasper not even a foot behind Benjamin.

They had been practically attached at the hip all day, and neither of them would have it any different.

Benjamin stated, "I need to pick up Bella from school now Jasper." He said tucking a piece of hair behind Jasper's ear.

"Oh, yes of course. I should probably hunt anyway." Jasper seemed fairly disappointed.

Ben drove to the Cullen household dropping Jasper off, they both know he could've ran there himself, but still the sentiment was nice. However, this sentiment was the reason he was almost half an hour late to pick up Bella. He just hoped she hadn't been waiting that long.

"Bella, I'm so sorry - call me back, I'm on my way." Ben hoped she wouldn't be mad at him. If she had been it'd be his fault, he knew that.

That's when Ben spotted it, a car on the side of the road. Not any car, Bella's.

In a fit of worry Ben's phone flew off the dashboard where it had previously sat.

He pulled off the road safely, throwing the car into park and walking over.

The car itself was fine, there was most likely no reason to worry. But Ben couldn't help himself. After all, why would Bella's car be here on the side of the road?

"Bella?" Ben called out, but to no avail.

Ben continued to call out and yell to Bella, there was no response. Ben called Bella's phone.

Bella coughed out, "Help, Ben please." She ended with a whimper.

"Bella, where on Earth are you? I called you 3 times and I found your truck on the side of the road." Ben spluttered out, worried for his sibling.

"Bella I need you to tell me where you are, I can't help you if I don't know." Ben was beyond scared.

The phone hung up. Ben freaking out, called Jasper; he had gotten his number earlier that day.

"Jasper, I need your help. Bella's in trouble and I don't know what to do and oh god, I let this happen." Ben rambled off, Jasper didn't need to be there to feel the anxiety radiating off of the man.

"I'll be right there." Jasper hung up.

Ben started scouring the forest in search of his sister, he couldn't waste time waiting for Jasper to get here.

After 2 minutes of walking around Ben tripped over a log, only to fall and spot Bella a few feet from where he had fallen.

Bella was covered in dead autumn leaves and she had blood practically gushing from her thigh, a twig sticking out of it.

Ben picked up Bella's phone and found Carlisle's contact. Bella had said he was a doctor, surely he could help.

It only took Carlisle 5 minutes to be there after getting his supplies and instructing Ben to keep pressure and, 'whatever you do, do not remove the stick.'

Of course Ben followed his instructions to a 'T'. He wouldn't allow his sister to die, at least not intentionally.

Out of nowhere Jasper came bounding from the Treeline, a blood hungry look in his eyes.

"Jasper?" Ben's voice wobbled with fear, after all Ben had interrupted Jasper's hunting with Bella's disappearance.

Jasper's head snapped back towards Bella after looking at Ben when he spoke.

This was it, he was going to attack.

He ran forwards at full speed, no one could stop him now.

Or so they thought.

600 words

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