Savior - Chapter 17

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~Angel's P.O.V.~

I woke up wrapped in Andy's arms. I rolled over and kissed his nose. He smiled and opened his eyes.

"Good morning beautiful." He said before kissing me. "Why are you so perfect?" I asked him. "I'm far from it babe." I rolled my eyes and got out of bed.

"Where do you think your going?" Andy complained. "Shower." "Can I come?!" He asked hopefully with huge eyes. I laughed at him. "You're funny babe." I kissed him and left to the bathroom.

When I walked back in the bedroom I found Andy asleep in bed still. I jumped on top of him. But apparently he heard me coming because as soon as I jumped on him, he grabbed my sides and flipped me over so he was on top. I screamed in surprise which caused him to laugh. He started kissing me with so much passion. "I love you so much babe." Andy muttered out between kisses. "I love you too Andy."

After awhile we decided to put on a movie. We just sat on his bed cuddling and occasionally kissing, just being happy to have each other back.

But of course I couldn't have a full day alone with Andy without any interruptions. My phone went off. Skylar called telling me I was already a half hour late to practice. "Shit! I'm so sorry I completely forgot about practice today! I'll be there in fifteen minutes." I hung up the phone and looked at Andy with apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry babe I've gotta go to practice. I'm already a half hour late." "It's fine. Do you need me to drive you?" He asked. "Yeah that would be great."

We quickly left and headed to the studio. Andy decided to stay and watch. It seemed like practice lasted five minutes. "So you and Andy are together again?" Trent asked smirking. "Yup as of last night." I smiled at the thought. Andy was in the hall on a phone call.

"What about Ashton?" Skylar questioned. "Well last night when we left the restaurant I saw Andy outside. I told Ashton I would meet him at the car in a few minutes just wanting a second to say hi to Andy alone. Well one thing lead to another and Andy and I started kissing. Of course that was the very second Ashton decided to come check on us. He got pissed, broke up with me and stormed off. Haven't heard from him since." I explained to everyone. "Well I'm glad that you are back with Andy. He's a million times better than that ass Ashton." Mickey said. I shook my head and smiled at her.

Andy then came back in the room. "Oh you guys finished for the night?" He asked. "Yup." I smiled at him. "So do you want to go back to your place and get your stuff to bring to my apartment?" He asked. "Yeah sounds good."

We all headed back to our house expect Mickey who went back to her place she shares with Ashley. We picked up my stuff and headed back to Andy's place. Andy was smiling the entire ride home.

"Someone seems happy." I smirked at him. He smiled at me. "I am. I can't tell you how excited I am that you are moving back in with me." I couldn't help but blush.

"This time I plan on staying longer than a few months." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "You better. I don't think I can handle not being with you." I laced our fingers together and kept them like that the entire way home.

Things always seem to go right whenever I'm with Andy. When we got back to Andy's, we grabbed all my bags and took them inside. When I brought in the last bag Andy pushed me against the door and started kissing me with all he had in him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me to his bedroom. Well lets just say we had a very fun night together.

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