2.04: It Was Good Until It Wasn't

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The perfect weekend was just a distant memory now


Baby mama <3
How's my baby?

Esme's daddy 🧡
i'm doin good

Baby mama <3
I was talking about Esme lol

Esme's daddy 🧡
oh, she's good. playin wit ash
Esme's daddy 🧡
u finish wit ur classes?

Baby mama <3
Yup, I just got home. I'm gonna rest a little bit before I pack
Baby mama <3
You know I've been thinking about moving closer

Esme's daddy 🧡
fr? why don't u just move in wit me?

Baby mama <3
Uh idk maybe bc everyone smokes in the house
Baby mama <3
Or maybe it's the heroin addict you have staying with you
Baby mama <3
Or maybe it's bc of the random situations you find yourself in

Esme's daddy 🧡
aight I get it damn
Esme's daddy 🧡
obviously if u and Es move in, shit would be different

Baby mama <3
Mm I'll think about it, but I've been looking at places
Baby mama <3
Staying in the hills is fucking expensive anyway. Half my money goes to rent

Esme's daddy 🧡
how much do you make?

Baby mama <3
It depends. It's good money, but Cali rent is no joke
Baby mama <3
I could rent a bigger house back home

Esme's daddy 🧡
don't y'all get hurricanes?

Baby mama <3
Don't y'all get earthquakes??

Esme's daddy 🧡
Esme's daddy 🧡
so ur parents moved back?

Baby mama <3
No. They're flying up here
Baby mama <3
They have a place in the hills

Esme's daddy 🧡
wht's the theme?

Baby mama <3
It's a princess garden party
Baby mama <3
So extra

Esme's daddy 🧡
damn I gotta dress nice?

Baby mama <3
That would be ideal yes
Baby mama <3
I'll get you a lil outfit. You and Ash packed up?

Esme's daddy 🧡
yea, u?

Baby mama <3
Not yet, I just got out of the bath and now I'm doing my skincare routine

Esme's daddy 🧡
man i should've packed Esme's stuff

Baby mama <3
It takes time to look like a milf

Esme's daddy 🧡
u do have flawless skin. wht's ur secret?

Baby mama <3

Baby mama <3

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