Oh no...

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I woke up still in the temple. Wait the tem... I got a sinking feeling in my gut as I remembered the past days events. I tried to stand up only to fall back down on my back, as pain flared up in my right leg just below the knee.

I sat up ,looked down ,and wondered how I didn't notice it before. There was a big black, yellow, and purple bruise that extended about half-way around my right leg. It was almost 3 inches long. Broken? Probably.

I sat up and looked at my surroundings.
Where is the Dark Dragon? I thought.

"No! You do it!"


What? Who is that? I wondered to myself. I didn't have to think long as a young girl stepped out of the shadows.

"Who are you? Where is the Dark Dragon? Why am I here?" I asked looking over the stranger. (This is my character) She had long black hair and light brown eyes. She was wearing a lavender shirt with blue flowers on the front. Covering the length of her legs were dark blue jeans.

"My name is not of importance. The Dark Dragon you speak of is in a holding cell to be healed and tended to. You will be taken care of in a similar manner."

"Do you know of any other ways to get back to Earth?" I asked hoping for an answer other than no or maybe. I didn't want to chase after false hope.

"I'm sorry, only the elder knows of the passageways to the other planets. Even so he has not been seen or spoken to for a millennia. Hush now, you must sleep." She replied as she advanced.

"So is there a passage or not?" Watching as she slowly closed the space between us.

As soon as there was no remaining space she reached out her hands and pressed her fore fingers to each side of my forehead.

And I blacked out...again not knowing if I should trust this girl. After all she was healing the Dark Dragon.

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