train ride!

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BELLAMY WASN'T HAPPY about coming back to school for her seventh year— she'd spent most of her break with her family and on occasion her friends, but mostly reading. Now she sits unfortunately packing her already crammed suitcase,

She sat on top her bed with Marlene and Mary, mulling over the fact they have to sit in the train for hours, her windows give her room a sort of light as they talk about whatever comes to their mind

"Honestly, i'm so jealous of muggles, they have their own little tiny trains,"  Mary sighs as she flips herself onto her stomach on Belles bed, reading the daily prophet,

"They're called cars Mar," Marlene laughs and slides beside the blonde,

"Whatever— i want one!"

"Know what—me to!—"Bellamy finally finishes packing, shutting her trunk and sitting upon it,

"—I want one in black, that has no roof," She adds, looking towards the duo on her bed,

"I want one in red personally," Marlene says with her eyes closed, back to the wall,

"I'm more of a blue person honest—"

"—I hate James Potter so much!" Lily pushes through the door, her suitcase soaked along with her hair, bunches of flowers in both of her hands,

"What happened to you," Bellamy tried her hardest not to laugh— she really did, but the three couldn't help themselves as they burst into fits, receiving a scowl from Lily,

"James thought to pick me some flowers from his garden, so for once i actually pay him some attention and thank him! They were enchanted to spray water for goodness sake—" She pauses, wiping down her self as best she could, even if it did nothing in retrospect,

"—as i have around 30 in my hand, i was a bloody sprinkler!"

"No bloody way—sorry Lil, but that's brilliant!" Marlene says between laughter, whilst throwing a towel at her to dry herself off,

Bell mutters something quickly, nodding her head to the unfortunate love interest of James potter,

"Self drying charm—nice," Mary says with an impressed face, hitting it down in her notepad resting of her trunk,

"Your getting good Bell,"

"Thanks Mar, i spent the majority of the break studying," she smiles to her friend before sighing, she was utterly exhausted from it all— although the comment from her friend gave her some closure that it was paying off.

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