Three|| "No. I was in fault this time"

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Hope POV

"I will call you later Cleo" I said as she packed up her things

"What's going on in here?" Josie asked

"Nothing" I said

She looked at me and then at Cleo.

"Unbelievable. I'm going home." Josie says

Why was she mad?

"Someone is jealous" Cleo says after Josie stormed back to the guest room

"What?" I asked

"She's obviously jealous" she says

"What? Josie isn't much of a jealous type" I said

"Sure she isn't" Cleo says

"And what would she be jealous about?" I asked

"She probably thinks I invited you over to do something more than what we were doing... either way me and Josie aren't together so I don't know why she is mad or whatever" I said in realization.

" i'm gonna go home but tell me how everything turns out" Cleo says

"I will, and you need to tell me about what you found" I said

"I will." She says

"Okay, see you later" I said

She waved and then she left out.

I sighed and then I walked into the room Josie was in.

"What's it with you?" I asked Josie as I walked into the room

"Forget it hope." She says

"What?" I asked

"Just forget it... I want to go back home" she says as she walked up to me.

"Why?" I asked

"Because I don't want to stay here" she says

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked

"No. I was in fault this time" she says

"What do you mean?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"I shouldn't have let myself be in this situation." She says as she tried walking pass me

I grabbed her hand.

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Hope, I hate you" she says

"I know." I said

"And I hate your smile and I hate your laugh... I hate how fucking pretty you are.. and I hate that you make me feel things that I don't want to" she says

"Are you saying this because you think me and Cleo have something going on?" I asked

"No.. I'm saying it because it's the truth" she says

"Me and Cleo are just friends and she was here to help me out with something" I said

"You don't owe me an explanation Hope" she says

"So why do I feel like I do?" I asked

She didn't answer, she barely could look me in the eyes.

"I feel like I owe you everything." I said

She still didn't say anything.

"I owe you nothing. Nothing at all.. and for you to start acting all jealous it really pisses me off because.... Because I hate you" I said

"Good." She says before pushing pass me angrily.

I pulled her back by her hand and pulled her so closed that I was close enough to kiss her in which I did.

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