Six|| "What's going on?"

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Lizzie POV

The movie was finally over.

"Good movie choice." I said

"I know.. I picked it." Hope says

"Okay watch it smart ass" I said

She rolled her eyes.

"Hey Josie... it's over." Hope says trying to shake her awake but Josie just slept into hopes arms.

"So, what's going on with you and your dads?" Hope asked cece says she got up as slowly as she can.

"Well, me and my dad well, matteo aren't really on speaking terms because I called him a asshole for not being in my life and he has no right to be mad about it... I mean I was mad when he left me.. and I got over it" cece says as she cleaned up her mess.

"But didn't he say he have a reason?" Hope asked

"So? I honestly don't care... if someone wants something they will do everything in there power to get it." Cece says

"When my mom is all better... do you think I should give her a chance?" Hope asked

"Hell yes!" Cece says now turning her direction to Hope.

"If anything you should be by her side, she has been through so much for you and you don't even know it." Cece says

Hope then gave her that look. Cece turned to look at me and I gave her that look.

"I see what you did there hope... it's not happening." Cece says

"You want me to give my mom a chance but what about your dad?" Hope asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"We have different things going here" Cece says

"You didn't even give your dad a chance to speak.. or tell you why he wasn't in your life for so long... as far as I know it on my 11th birthday he came looking for you but you had already left." I finally spoke.

"What?" Cece asked

"It's the truth... you can even ask Josie if she still remembers" I said

"And how did my father find me in the first place?" She asked

Then a sudden face expression of realization just hit hopes face.

She knows something.

"I was going to my thing and then he happen to be my Uber driver" I said

"And since when do we trust Ubers?" Cece asked

"His name was matteo ricci and I know I heard that name before." I said

"Before y'all pulled me and Hayley out... I got something." Cece says now turning to face Hope.

"Well..?" I asked

"Well... Hayley has told me a few hints here and there but I couldn't make much sense of it because of the shit she was saying with dead people in the walls... and shit." Cece says

"Get to the point Camille." Hope says

"I found a box and a key. In the box was probably a million letters" Cece says as she made her way to her bag.

"I have it right here" she added

Hope looked at me then at Cece and raised her eye brow.

"It's been a week and you are just now talking about this?" Hope asked

"I didn't know whether I should give you this or not because this could change everything. Our whole lives would be known as a lie." Cece says

"Our?" I asked

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