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Hope POV

"What are you talking about Hope?" Josie asked me with nothing but confusion written all over her face.

"We need to get married so I can protect you." I half way explained

"What do you mean when you say you have to protect me? Hope you need to do more explaining than that."

"This is turning into some really deep shit and you just have to listen to me and not be stubborn, I love you Josie and I will always love you but you have to understand that no matter if we get married for love, that I'm all in" I say

"Hope you aren't explaining this to me right, I love you too of course but I don't understand exactly why we have to get married" Josie was really confused

"You will get sent back to your home land, I know it's hard to believe but when Alaric said he was making your life a living hell, he wasn't kidding...I need you to listen to me clearly...you are in great danger and I'm going to protect you, in order for me to protect you I need you to marry me so that you won't be sent away" I tried explaining

"So you aren't going to do the whole get on your knees thing or..?" Josie joked

I smiled a bit.

"So would that mean you agree to marrying me?" I asked

Josie crossed her arms and gave me that look.

I rolled my eyes and got on one knee.

I took out the ring out of my pocket and I held it out to Josie.


I will admit the ring was pretty big and it costed a lot but I didn't know that was going to be Josie's reaction.

"Josette Olivia Lucas Salvatore, would you make me the happiest girl in the world and marry me?" I asked

Josie smiled really brightly.

"I'm in love with you hope" Josie admits

"You don't have to lie, I already know this is going to be a fake marriage jo" I playfully rolled my eyes

"So will you marry me?" I added

"I don't want this to be fake because i am in love with you hope and I broke up with finch because I'm in love with you" Josie admits once again

I laughed a bit...until I saw that Josie was serious.

"You aren't kidding?" I asked

Josie shook her head 'no'

"I-I'm in love with you too jo" I said as I got up and hugged her.

"You really do love me, right ? This isn't some game?" I asked as I pulled away from the hug.

Josie cupped just cheeks and pulled her lips close to mine.

"I love you hope mikaelson..always and forever" Josie says before she connected their lips.

"This makes me miss my wife" cece says out of no where as she held tissues to wipe her eyes

I forgot she was even here.

"Go get her...she's right outside" Josie says as she leaned her forehead on to mine.

"Really?" Cece asked before she opened the door.

Lizzie eyes went wide as her lips were pressed into a thin line.

"Hey amore" cece whispered before she pulled Lizzie close and captured her lips.

Here we were having our happy moment, no one knew how long it would last for, that's why we are just enjoying it while we have it.

"Your turn cece" I said as Josie walked and hugged me from behind.

She rested her chin on my shoulder as her arms wrapped around my waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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