III. i wanna try us

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the next morning i woke up early and decided to make breakfast as it was around breakfast time. as i was frying the bacon drew walked in wearing gray sweatpants and shirtless. it was hot not gonna lie.  "something smells nice" he yawned "im making some bacon and pancakes want some" i asked "yeah sure" he smiled "have you booked a scan appointment yet" he asked pouring his coffee "no i was gonna do it while eating" i explained "ok, you want someone to come with you because im more than happy to come" drew offered "i mean if you want im not gonna force you into anything you dont wanna do" i replied "issy your not forcing me to do anything im offering to come with you" drew said "ok if you wanna come then you can" i smiled handing him a plate of food "thanks" he said.

"ok appointment is booked for the 8th of this month" i told drew. he nodded "ok. you excited to see your little bean" he asked "yeah i am actually" i smiled "what are you can do when you go back to LA? are you gonna stay in your apartment or move in with someone so you can have some help looking after the baby" drew asked "uh im probably gonna ask for some help but right now im not sure ive still ages till the babys born" i said. drew nodded in reply. "your filming again today right" i asked "no we got the day off today" he told me "do you wanna do something" he continued "like what" i smiled "uh i dont know you decide" drew said "what about going to the fair we drove past yesterday that i said i wanted to go to" i suggested "we can do that" he smiled "cool i'll ask the others then get ready" i said "uh i actually wanted it to be just you and me if thats ok" drew spoke nervously "like a date" i asked "uh i mean if you it to be if not it can be just two friends having fun" the dirty blonde scratched the back of his neck nervously, slightly blushing. it was cute. "it can be a date" i smiled "its a date then" the boy smiled back. i walked into my room to start getting ready. i showered and washed my hair before putting on a pair of jeans and a cropped shirt on i did some light makeup and did my hair before walking out my room, back to the living room.

"hey" i said sitting on the couch next to drew "hey you ok" he asked "yeah im good what about you" i smiled "same here, what time you wanna leave" i looked at my phone checking the time seeing it was 11:30 "uh 4 maybe ik it will busy but it will start getting dark at that time and the fair is prettiest when its dark" i shrugged "ok sounds good" he said. until then we sat on the couch, drew teaching me how to play one of his video games which i really wasn't good at. when it got to 4pm we left the apartment and drove to the fair. "let's get food first" i suggested "why dont we go on a ride first at least then we wont throw up our food" drew said "drew you know i dont like the rides at these things" i turned to look at him "then why do you come" he laughed "the aesthetics oh and the food of course" i explained "of course you would love the food" he jokingly rolled his eyes "what can i say food is the best" i smiled "what food do you wanna get then" drew asked "candy floss" i grinned "issy thats barely a food its like pure sugar" drew told me "its something edible though" i shrugged "i guess your right" drew said as we walked over to the snack stand. i went to pay for the candy floss when drew stopped me "im gonna pay for you" "what drew no you dont have too" i said "nope i am we're on a date remember" he looked at me "i can still pay" i said "your letting me and thats the end of it" he told me "fine pay but next time im paying" i caved in. drew paid for the candy floss and we walked around the fair sharing it "you see that elephant" drew pointed, i nodded in reply "im gonna win that for you" he said "id like to see you try these things are impossible to win. as a kid me and rudy would beg our parents to take us to the fair when they came into town and when they finally gave in we both literally spent our whole money jars trying to win stuff and we never did literally a whole years worth of money gone in 3 hours" i told drew "you just weren't skilled enough watch me win" he said "k go on amaze me" i told him. after trying to hit the target twice drew finally it "omg you actually did" i said excitedly "i did and i give you this" he said handing me the giant stuffed elephant "hes so cute i love him thank you" i said hugging drew "your welcome issy" he hugged me back

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞 | drew starkeyWhere stories live. Discover now