back to acting [pt. 6]

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This is like 2 weeks later

Javons pov:

Me and y/n have had so much fun together. About an hour ago I received an email saying that euphoria would have another season. I was super excited. But then I remembered..  what about Y/n?

"Javon, have you seen the email?" My mom asked. "Yes.." I replied. "Did you want to go back?" She asked. I didn't respond. "You know it's ok if you don't want to." She said hugging me. "No mom.. I do but.. I don't know how y/n would feel. Or how I would feel about leaving her."

"You could  just tell her Javon. She's gonna back in a couple of minutes." Jaden said rolling his eyes. "Please, if my girlfriend told me she was leaving for acting.. I would be pretty upset." Jayla said. (Idk if Jayla is lesbian or not- I mean she has the flag but still.. sorry if she ain't.💀)

"Jayla! Jaden! Your not helping" I said on the verge of tears."say sorry to your brother." My mom said. "sorry." Jayla said kinda carelessly. I pulled back from my mom's hug and went upstairs. I was pacing back and forth. I mean really.. I didn't want to go with out y/n. We are still best friends. We have done this before. It just feels.. different. I heard the doorbell ring.

Y/n pov:

I was ringing the doorbell until Mrs. Walton opened it. "Hey y/n. Did you get everything you needed?" She asked letting me walk inside. I had just got back from grabbing some clothes from home. "Yep." I said walking in.

As I walked in, all eyes were on me. I thought about what I was wearing,  sweatpants and one of javons hoodies. Um my hair looked okay? "Drammaaa" I heard Jaden whisper. Wich obviously was loud enough that the whole room could hear it. I was confused but it was a whatever.

"Hey daelo! Hey Jayla!" I said walking over to the couch. Daelo ran over to hug me. "Hiii" he said. "Y/n you look amazing omg." Jayla said complimenting me. Something is  up. "Thanks Jayla.." I said looking down at daelo. "I don't get a hi?" Jaden asked. "No you freak." I said jokingly. "Anyway, where is javon?" I asked getting up. "He should be in his room. If not then he is probably in his bathroom." Mr.walton said.

Daelo got off and I walked upstairs. I went over to Javons room and just opened the door. He was pacing? "Oh.. hey ma." He said stopping and walking over to hug me. He hugged me really tight until I had to tell him I could breath. There is really something going on.

"You guys have been acting weird. I've only been gone for like.. 2 hours maybe? What's up? You know you can tell me anything." I told javon. Comforting him. He closed the door and sat on his bed. I followed. "I dont think you'll even be read-" his phone vibrated. "Um.. one sec ma."

Javons pov:

I almost had the courage to tell y/n. Who was that? I almost didn't even check it..
I saw that it was Jayla and Jaden. They had texted in our gc.

                       Jaden😐, and 1 other

big sis 🍪❤️:
Hey Javon, Tell y/n what she needs to hear.. I know what I said earlier might not have been the best thing to say but it IS the truth. Y/n is going to love you no matter what. She loves ashtray. Even if you don't want to go back on the show.. you would need to tell her that. Anyway lil bro.. love you. Tell y/n I got her back and I will be there for her.

that made me smile. I looked up at y/n. She looked confused waiting. I was about to turn off my phone and tell her the truth.. but Jaden texted too.

Lol, cringe. Imagine having to leave your gf for acting.


oh, imagine asking your fans if they wanted to see you do a cartwheel but you never did it.

and thanks Jayla. love you too.

I finally put away my phone. I was ready.

Y/ns pov:

Javon was smiling at his phone and more.. I know that he wouldn't be texting another girl anyway. He put his phone away and looked up at me. "You done yet?" I asked.
"Um yeah. So there is something I've been wanting to tell you. but I was afraid of your answer." Javon said. "I'm listening." -- "Well euphoria is coming back.. and I wanna be in it. Please don't be upset." He said holding on to my hand.


"Javon.. did you think I was gonna be mad at you? Why did you even think that? I mean yes, I'm a little disappointed we won't see each other everyday.. but that's normal. Besides, I love euphoria.. and especially ash ofc. I've been without you when you were filming the other seasons. I think I'll be fine. I know that was when we weren't dating but still.. I would love for you to go back." I said squeezing his hand.

"awww omg they are so cute!" "that's kinda gross but whatever" "yay y/ns not sad!" Came from outside of javons door. It was obviously Jayla, Jaden, and Daelo. That made me and Javon laugh. "Thanks y/n. I'm so glad your a supportive girlfriend." Javon said smiling. "Ok can you guys stop listening to our conversation?" Javon said in a whole different mood.

A few days later

Javon was leaving in a couple of months but he was still busy.. he had to do auditions just so they can make sure that they really wanted him back. Wich.. how could they? He is obviously the best. I guess it was getting to me. He was often out, meeting with his cast mates or doing zooms or interviews.

"Hey javon.. when are we gonna get to hang out?" I asked him. "Well I don't know.. I'm starting to miss you too. But soon.. it's only gonna be text, calls, and FaceTimes.  But.. and just to put this out there.. Jayla said that she'll be there for you." He said kind of hesitating to say the last part. "Yeah. I completely understand." I said. I meant it.  "We could go out sometime this weekend? Just me and you." Javon said standing up from his desk. I got out of his bed and went to go hug him. I felt his arms wrap around me. It was the best feeling ever.

Um guys I'm not playing when I ask you for requests 🤨 either you tell me what you wanna see or it's nothing j/ . Or not. So anyway.. after this story is over then I might make some imagines with Javon.

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