Day 1- Secret Scents pt2

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It's Sunday night and it was a long day for Stolas. He opens his bedroom door hunched over with half-lidded eyes.

He was getting sick of the tedious meetings with the other higher ranks about population control, defenses against heaven, and the angels.

Lately, he can't get Blitz out if his head. He'd get asked a question. He would be in his own world thinking of the Monday coming up and all the fun they would have together. Soon after, he would be screamed at or hear a slam on the table that would take him out if his thoughts.

He can't wait. After Blitz had called him, he immediately started planning the day and buying gifts for his little imp.

Stolas headed to his bathroom for a nice relaxing bath.

After his bath, Stolas put on his red robe and headed through the hallway to his daughters room.

*knock knock

"Come in", was heard from the other side of the door.

Stolas peeked through the door before opening it fully, "Hello, my little owlet, how was your day today?"

Stolas saw his daughter laying on her bed with her head proped up and one earbud in. The other in hand and a very quiet yelling coming from the device. Or is that music? It sounds a little dark. Probably that band she likes. What was it called? Oh yeah. 'Fuck you dad'. Not a great name.

"Hey, dad. Yeah, my day was okay I guess. I had princess lessons with mom most of the day. I spent the rest of my time in here. Pretty boring. Nothing special." Octavia responded with a shrug.

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry your day was boring. If I didnt have those meetings, I would spend time with you. Did you want to spend time with me sometime Tuesday?"

"Umm, well actually. That is something I wanted to talk to you about. I know you don't like me going out anywhere without you or the guards, but Monday is valentines day. I was wondering if I could-"

"No. I'm sorry, no. I'm not gonna let you go out at night where you could get hurt. What would happen if I wasn't there to protect you? I can't lose you." Stolas interrupts.

"But dad, i will be okay. I met this guy that is pretty nice. Before you freak out, let me tell you why I be fine. I was planning on going to this party he has. Loona is actually going too with a guy too. We will stay by each other the whole time. It would just be hanging out and Loona recommended us sleeping at her apartment."

"Wait. Blitzys daughter? I had no idea you too were in contact with each other. But, wait! You aren't sleeping with those boys at her apartment, right?! That is inappropriate for your age."

Octavia rolled her eyes. "Yes, dad. I know. It will just be Loona and I sleeping at her apartment. We will hang out and listen to music and whatever."

"Well, if Loona will be there with you. I guess I can allow it. I wouldn't want you to be alone the whole day. Just the two of you be very careful." Stolas said with a sigh.

"Really? Thank you, dad! It means a lot to me! Thank you so much! I promise we will be careful. Plus I don't think anybody would want to mess with us. A goetia and a killer hell hound? We could deal with them if they would try." She said with a smug face.

Stolas laughed nervously with a concerned smile.

"Okay. I guess we can hang out another day then if we both have plans the day before." He started heading out.

" Okay, I love you!"

"I love you too, my little starfire."
He blew her a kiss.

As stolas was about to close the door behind him, Octavia called out to him.

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