Day 1- Secret Scents

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Blitz is working on paperwork in his office. He had come back from the human world with Moxxie about an hour ago. The job was to kill an old man in his sleep and make it look like a suicide.

It wasn't a hard job, so he just needed a second hand is all. When he read the clients request he thought: 'Who asks this kind of thing anyway. It's hell, you think they wouldn't care if it looked like murder. But no, you gotta make things more complicated. Why not just let us kill him and leave him in the bed?'

Blitz was annoyed with the fact, but hey. Money is money.

"Hey Blitz!" He heard millies voice come from the break room.

He decided it was a good excuse to take a break from the silence and concentration.

He headed to the room, "Yeah, mills?"

When he got in the room, Loona was sitting at the table with her feet proved up. Moxxie looked nervous, but also flustered a bit. Millie was the only other standing.

"I was wondering how long we can get off work for you know what." She said with a flirtatious smirk towards Moxxie.

"Okay, first, if you two are gonna fuck, do it outside all I care. Second, what are you talking about, Mills?"

"Well, Valentines day of course! It is this Monday! I thought you would know that." Mills said, giving Blitz a bump in the shoulder.

Loona jumped into the conversation from that last comment and snorted. "Why would he need to know that? He doesn't even have a date or anything."

"Shut it, looney tunes. Besides, I could get a date if I wanted to!" Blitz said with a smug smile.

"Sure. Whatever you say." Loona said with an eye roll.

"Anyway, yeah, we can have off Monday and Tuesday. Just because I have a feeling that moxxie will be too tired after the night I'm guessing you have planned." Blitz said with a smirk on his face.

Millie giggled. "Oh yeah, I got a special night planned~ Right sweety?~" she said wiggling her eyebrows and getting in moxxies face.

Moxxie stammered and glowed an even brighter shade of red. "U-uhuhaha. Yeah..."

Blitz smiled at how flustered Moxxie got. Then he turned his attention back to his daughter.

"Hey, looney? I'm guessing you got some things planned with those friends of yours. Where are you going?"

Loona paused and actually looked up from her phone. "Well, uhh, I actually have a date with this guy I met a couple weeks ago. He asked if I wanted to got to a party with him."

Blitz went still. "WHAT?! who is this dude?! You better use protection and don't let anybody fuck with you! I'll kill them if you don't!..."

Blitz was angry and ranting on and on about this situation.

"Shut up, Blitz! I can date if I want to! I'm not a kid anymore! Shut the fuck up!" Loona shouted.

Blitz stopped and gave up. Loonas gaze went back to her phone.

"Well, fine. But I'm serious, if anyone tries to mess with you, tell me. I'll fuck them up personally. Not in the way they would like!" He said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah, whatever da- Blitz." She said without a glance from the phone screen.

"Hey, Blitz. Why don't you hang out with your boyfriend on Monday? Did you get him anything?" Mills said breaking the silence.

"He isn't my boyfriend and I warned you not to call him that! It's just a deal we have!"

"Mhm.. sure! But did you get him anything?"

"Why would I get him anything. All we have is an agreement!"

"Come on, Blitz! You gotta get something for him! He does nice things for you all the time. He has brought you lunch many times and called to see how you are doing. He cares."

"Ugh, no. I'm not getting that birdbrain a gift! He'll get all horny on me if I see him on valentines day!" Blitz rolled his eyes.

Millie, moxxie, and loona all look Ed at each other and rolled their eyes as well. They aren't stupid and know there is more than just a fucking deal.

Millie takes action and starts to grab Blitz and push him towards the front door.

"No! You are getting him a nice present and you are gonna call him! You shouldn't spend Monday alone like a sad sack! NOW GO! DONT MAKE ME PUSH YOU TO THE STORE TOO!"

She opened the door, pushed him out, threw him his things, and slammed the door before he could protest.

Millie had a proud look on her face as she walked back to the break room.


"Fucking dammit! I'm not calling this idiot! I don't even know what we would do! What could I get him that he doesn't have?! He is rich, he can get anything he wants! You know what fine, I'll just call the bird. He will have to deal with whatever I get him. This is so stupid." Blitz yells quietly at himself.

He puts his phone to his ear and walks towards the store with the ringing in his ear. Sooner than later, the sound of the phone being picked up on the other end is heard. "BLITZY!"


"See you soon, Stolas"

"I'll see you to, Blitzy~"

The phone is hung up by Blitz. No surprise there. He always hangs up first. By no matter. More importantly, Stolas is thrilled of what his favorite imp asked him.

He really asked me to spend time with him on valentines day!! This is so exciting! It will be so romantic! Oh no! Wait! What am I gonna wear? I have to buy him something! What am I gonna do?!

Stolas starts running around his room, getting dressed, and writing down some of the best places to go to buy something for Blitz.

This will be a perfect first date! Nothing can go wrong!

Stolas rushes out of his room. He slams his bedroom door leaving his closet a mess and his bed sheets on the floor.

To be continued.....

Hehe. You won't have to wait long. The next part will be posted literally a second after this. Btw, I know, Stolas really said that. Nothing ever goes well when that is said. But maybe it won't be as bad as you think.. 🤔

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