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Kenzie groaned as she woke up in bed, she rolled over and smirked as she saw that Freddie was in bed next to her and looked to him.

She knew how they had spent the night together and she knew how things had been and she hated it but she knew that she did want to try and make it all work but she knew that none of it was going to be easy

"morning" kenzie said as he leant in and kissed him, he moaned as he pulled her close so that she was straddling him, he ran his hands up her thighs and looked to her and smirked

"I know that things are hard but we can do this, we can make it work and it will be okay. I love you and I will do anything for you" he said as kenzie smiled as she leant in and kissed him. He grabbed the back of her thighs and flipped her so that she was on her back and looked to her and smirked

they stripped off as he pulled her close as pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her. Kenzie dug her nails into his neck and pulled him close as she felt herself reach her high

Kenzie walked into the flat and smiled as she saw Lacey and smiled "hey are you okay" kenzie asked as Lacey sighed, Kenzie knew that Lacey was avoiding warren and she knew how worried over her sister that she was

"I have been better. I don't know..I just can't stop thinking over warren and the fact he is back. I just don't know why he is back. I mean he hurt me so much kenz. He left me like I was nothing and now he is back and I don't know what to think" Lacey said as kenzie smiled

"I know it's hard and that you are going through a lot and your upset but I am here for you. I'm your sister and I'll always be on your side but you know that you can't avoid warren forever, he's back for a reason and you deserve to know what that reason is and your having his baby and he has responsibility, you need to talk to him and you need to decide what you want, I know your scared but it will be okay, I'm your sister and I'm here for you no matter what" kenzie said as Lacey looked to her and smiled. Lacey knew that she was right

Kenzie walked through the village and sighed as she saw Freddie and Ellie as they stood serving.

Kenzie looked to them and sighed. She knew how guilty that she felt over it all and what she had done. What she and Freddie had done.

Kenzie knew how marnie had taken the blame but Kenzie knew that she couldn't do that forever. She knew it was only a matter of time until the truth came out and it scared her but could she and Freddie cope with it all?

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